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"Get out of the office!" I screamed at my phone, "The shirts are alive!"

I heard mumbling on the other end of the line, followed by a scream, then a loud thump.

"Guys?" I said, waiting for an answer.

No reply.

'They must've dropped the phone.' I thought to myself, I grunted. I would probably swear at them, but the situation is much too dire for that.

I didnt want them to turn too. Especially not Ross. I don't even want to think about him turning..

I weighed my options. Let Sky and Ross possibly turn into brainless, merchandise-wearing zombies or risk going there and saving them.

It took me a while, but I made my choice. I made my choice a long while ago.. to him.


"Promise that you won't blurt it out to anyone?" Ross asked, placing his hand over mine.

We were at iHop. Ross asked me to come with him, and I was glad he did.

"I promise."

I thought this day might never come. That I had to stay silent forever.

"Promise not to use it as blackmail?"

His brown eyes were like seas I could get lost in.

"Well, I could never promise something like that--"


I laughed, "Yes, I promise."

"Great!" He smiled, taking my hand into his to properly hold it. "Now, anything you want me to promise?

I thought for a second, "Anything?"

He nodded, grin still shining brightly on his face.

"Hmm," I started, "Promise that, if either of us get into trouble or any tricky situation, the other has to help them out of it."

He looked confused for a second, but then said, "Alright, I promise."

"Now that you've made your vows, you may now kiss the bride," I mimicked a deep voice. I'm not sure why I thought a priest's voice would be deep.. or a bit like Neil Tyson.

I heard Ross giggle slightly, "But which one of us is the bride?"

I gave him a look that said 'obviously you'.

He pouted but laughed anyway, "Well, in all honesty, I would look great in a dress."

I chuckled, "Imagine me in a suit."

"Oo," He cooed, leaning closer to me, "that's quite dashing."

My giggle turned into a smile as I leaned in to give him a peck on his lips. His cheeks were flushed and it was adorable.

"Too soon?" I asked.

"Not soon enough," He replied, giving me a quick peck.

At that moment, the waitress came with our food. What came after was blurry.


The memory played in my head.

I grunted and grabbing my jacket off the coat rack, sprinting to the door, making sure it was locked, "Ross. You are so lucky I love you." I mumbled under my breath, listening for the 'click' of my key.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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