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I've always wanted do certain things with my life, as far as I can remember, one of them being going to college. Sure, I've changed my mind about what I want to major in in college, more than once, but I do know that I want to go to college.
When I was younger I wanted to be a Veterinarian like a lot of six-olds do, but as I got older I wanted to be a Fire-Fighter, and a Nanny, along with a Fashion Designer, Lion Trainer, and Hair Stylist. I also thought about becoming a Chef, when I was younger. I've always loved cooking and baking things with my mom.  Now that I've gotten older, and I've had more time to think about what I actually want to do with my future, in and out of College, I've recently decided that I want to apply to a Culinary College, in Los Angeles, California. I haven't found one that I can afford, yet, but I'm sure I'll manage it somehow. I could apply for a scholarship, but it might be hard to receive one, since I'm already 20 years old. I would have applied for one during my Senior Year in High School, but I had a lot going on that year. My parent's divorce was just getting wrapped up, my twin brother and sister were both getting settled in their first year of college, my dad moved out of what's now my mom's house, and my grandmother passed away after a heart attack. After high school I decided to start living with my dad full-time, and continue working at Ann Arbor, Michigan's local Shoe store. I still work there, now.
This obviously isn't exactly what I pictured I would be doing after High School, when I was younger, but that's life. Not everything goes the way you want it to or the way you planned it to, but you still have to work with what you have, and make the best of it, and that's something I learned from a very young age.

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