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(That's the outfit you wear btw)

Terminus. That's where I'm headed to. My group got split up when walkers attacked. Only half of us survived. My mom, dad, and sister got bit. Me and my older brother, Tyler, made it out alive. We were on our way to Terminus when these people found us and tried to rob us. I ran as my brother told me to do and I haven't seen him since. I don't know if he's alive, but I'm running out of food, water, and hope. As I'm walking on the train tracks, I see a woman and a man a baby in front of me. These people wouldn't hurt me right? I sneak behind a tree when they stop to look at a map.
"We need to find some supplies. Judith is hungry and her crying will attract walkers." The woman says looking around.
I move behind the tree some more so she won't see me, but step on some leaves.
"Did you hear that? Hold Judith, I'll be right back." She says while giving up the baby.
She saw me. Shit. It's not a smart idea to run from someone with a gun when you only have a knife. I wait for her to appear.
"Hi" I say quietly.

"Why are you following us?" She asks

"Oh no! I'm not. I'm trying to find my way to Terminus and you guys were in front of me and I didn't want you to kill me so I hid behind a tree." I tell her with a serious look. Maybe she will leave me alone if I don't seem desperate"

"Well we're on our way to Terminus too. Maybe you should join us. You look like you haven't ate in a few days. Come on"


"So tell us about yourself" the man says

"Well, my name is Paris. I was with my family and a big hoard of these things
Came running after us. My mom, dad, and little sister got bit. Me and my brother survived but go split up when these people tried to rob us. I'm not sure if he's even alive, but we were on our way to Terminus when it happened so hopefully I'll find him there." I look at the people with a smile.

"Well I'm Tyreese, this is Carol, and this is baby Judith. My group was at a jail when we got attacked. We all got split up from there. Judith has a brother around your age. Our plan was to go to terminus. I found carol after she got split up from our group. Now we're hoping to find everyone again."


Carol decided not to go in the gates and I offered to. If my brother is here o need to know. She said it doesn't look safe, but I'm still going in.
(I'm skipping to where the guy is like "give us your guns." And turns bad and stuff :) ok)

"Give me your guns" this man said

"I don't have one." I'm lying. I do but it's my moms and I keep it hidden in the back of my jeans.

"Bullshit! Mark, pat her down."

I have knives in every place I can hide them. Safety fist ya know? There's even some in bra. Covered obviously so they can't hurt me.
Mark finds all of them except for one. It's where my shirt and pants are bunched together so you can't feel it. He throws me in this train storage-cart thing. (Before everyone else shows up)
So I'm just gonna sit in here and rot to death.

--Time-skip to after Glenn, Maggie and Abraham and all them get there--

"I can't believe this" Abraham shakes his head and laughs

"They didn't find one of my knives. I still have it." I say with a blank expression on my face. It's been a day at least. No food or water.

"I don't want to risk them finding it and taking it. It won't help us much anyway."
Another 3 hours or so goes by and the train door opens. More people. A man, a girl, and a kid my age. Wait, Rick?

Glenn, Maggie, and me pop our heads up.
"Rick?" Glenn says with hope in his voice.

"Wait, you guys know him?" I ask
Rick was like a father figure to me. He worked with my dad and his son and he were friends.

"Paris... Glenn... and Maggie?"
I run up and give him a hug.
A woman then enters. Her name is Michonne and apparently everyone knows each other. The door opens one more time and a boy walks in.

Tears form in my eyes as I run and hug my best friend.


So how did you enjoy the first chapter??
Ill try to update 3 days a week. I'm not starting from season 1 so :)
Instagram: @calumsbuttcheekz

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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