What exactly?...

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(Bf/n) best friends name
(F/c) favorite color
(H/l) hair length
(H/c) hair color
(H/s) hair style
(E/c) eye color
(S/c) skin color
(F/b) favorite books
(F/a) favorite animal
(F/s) favorite song
(Your POV)

Me and my crew smirked as we watched our efforts unfold magically and surprisingly, better than we anticipated.

"I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU THREE AND YOUR INCOMPETENT AND DISRESPECTFUL WAYS! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!!!" Mrs. I-don't-deserve-this-shit yelled as tears streamed down her old ass face.

"Tch, okay. I'll see your old ass later." I chuckled with a leisurely shrug and a satisfied smirk upon my lips as I stood up from my seat in the back of the room.

I grabbed my black satchel with (f/c) strap while (bf/n) and Jean picked up their backpacks.

We walked out of the classroom in single file, me being in the middle with Jean in front and (Bf/n) behind me.

"That went much better than I intentionally planned in my head." I chuckled out as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my faded gray skinny jeans. "Everything you do always ends up coming out better than you plan (Y/n)." Jean said, earning a mischievous "yep" from (Bf/n).

I bowed forward as we continued to walk towards the front of the school,"Thank you, thank you, I do try my best." I devilishly smirked as we were rounding the last corner.

"(FULL NAME), come to my office, NOW. Along with the two of you as well." Dr. McWilliams said, obviously not in the best of moods.

Jean and (Bf/n) looked at me for conformation. All I could do was shrug as I followed behind the principal, followed by (Bf/n) then Jean.

(Sorry to say this, but just a heads up... your gonna be 5'1" and a half... get over it -_-||)

We stood before him in his office, Jean to my left and (Bf/n) to my right. Dr. McWilliams sat behind his desk as he steepled fingers in front of his mouth as observed the three of us. My (E/c) orbs met his greenish gray ones, having a small yet oh so familiar stare down.

"You and your little friends here have corrupted this school for the last and final time. This is the fourth teacher you have made cry and resign. I'm surprise that you went after a female teacher this time, seeing that you made two of the boys athletics coaches cry and quit during your freshman year and the male biology teacher your sophomore year. *sigh* It's only the beginning of your 11th grade year and you have already began to cause trouble.

And to make sure that this won't happen ever again, you guys are being transferred to a different school in a different school district. Your stuff should be being packed as we speak right now. You will be transferred to a teen housing facility over there where they are expecting you and have all your files that I've sent two days ago. So basically as of right now, you three no longer go here to this school anymore."

His words hit me like a flaming jumbo jet after it crash landed into an 18wheeler as it drove off of an over pass and onto a subway train going 200mph, yet... my face was as expressionless as his bald head.

"And what exactly is this school we are being transferred to?" I questioned, crossing my arms across my chest as I scoffed giving him the you've-got-to-be-joking look.

A faint smirk molded the bottom half of he's potato sacked face.

"You three will be transferred to Scouts High."

I groaned, laced with a very unhappy growl, 'You've got to be fucking kidding me!' I shouted in my head as I left his office with my crew in tow behind me.

(Just the, I got the idea of this story from reading a book by someone else... just to get that out in the open there...   ._.

Two wrongs make a right~ Badboy Levi x Badgirl reader [Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now