Chapter One: I'm Okay (I'm Not)

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Augh, why did he torture himself by listening and lurking around Amy and Sonic's conversation. He was taking her on a date-or at least it sounded like that to the fox. To top it all off she kissed him again. Great. Fantastic. Not even jealous.

Whatever. He had dinner to prepare. He didn't feel like putting any effort into anything. Chili it was. He roughly pulled out the tools he needed to start chopping some of the vegetables.

Stupid feelings.

He chopped the carrots aggressively while he tried to calm himself down.

Sonic poked his head into the kitchen, immediately noticing the fox at the counter. Was Tails cooking?

Sonic grinned, "Are you cooking?" He strolled into the kitchen, peeking over his shoulder. Tails sure was chopping at them, huh?

"Whoooaa, don't hurt the carrots too much! What'd they ever do to you?"

Oh good, Sonic was here. That would surely allow him to clear his mind and not think of any of what had just transpired between the two of-


His train of thought was interrupted as he brought the knife down one last time. His finger slipped and he lost the control he had held on the thing, causing the blade to come down and slice his finger instead of the carrot.

"Shit!", he swore, grabbing his own wrist to look at the damage. Tails rarely swore, if ever. But for a brief moment he thought that he had possibly cut his finger off.

He'd sliced through his glove, and blood had already begun seeping through. His once bright white gloves began bleeding red.

Sonic flinched- did Tails just swear? He stepped back, almost immediately realizing the blood seeping through his gloves.

"Whoa, whoa-!!" Sonic yelled, immediately grabbing at a paper towel to wrap around Tails' hand momentarily.

"Are you okay!? How deep is it!?"

"I dunno.", he flinched, still keeping a firm hold on his wrist. "I think my finger's still attached."

He hoped.

"You think!?" Sonic grimaced, pulling the paper towel away to remove the glove from Tails' hand.

"How much does it hurt? Are you okay? It's still attached..."

Sonic took off his own gloves, immediately turning the faucet on to cold water. He took Tails' hand into his own, holding the hand under the water carefully.

"Geez, you gotta be more careful, man..."

Okay, so it was still attached. That was good at least. It still hurt.

Sonic was touching him. Skin on skin, fur on fur, no gloves. His heart skipped a beat and he felt exceedingly foolish for it. He'd nearly cut his finger off and here he was getting all twitterpated over feeling Sonic's fingers against his for the first time ever. Never in all his years by his friends side had they ever touched. He felt stupid, yet excited and he couldn't help but blush again. This was becoming a big problem. He'd never be able to keep his feelings hidden if he kept this up. Sonic would surely figure it out in time.

"Y-Yeah I know...sorry."

Sonic brushed his fingers along Tails' hand, his eyes locked on their hands. There was something strangely intimate about the way their hands were intwined, both bare. He let out a long exhale, furrowing his brow. Why was he making this so much awkward than it had to be? It was just Tails. Only Tails.

And Tails was hurt. That should be his focus right now, not the closeness of their hands.

He cleared his throat. "Uh... Don't worry about it."

He lead Tails into the bathroom, momentarily letting his hand go to open the medicine cabinet. He grabbed some cream, placing a bit of it onto his finger.

This didn't have to be weird. It really didn't. The fact his mind was even thinking about it being weird was baffling in itself.

Oh good, he let go?

"Gimme your hand."


"Uh-here.", he swallowed thickly, perhaps a little too eagerly thrusting his hand out towards the hedgehog.

"This'll sting." He took Tails' hand, once again, into his own, holding the hand still as he began to gently rub the cream onto the cut.

"You think you'll be fine? We don't need to go to the doctor or anything, right?" He asked, reaching a free hand to open the cupboard once again to grab a bandage.

He clenched his teeth a bit, but the ointment wasn't all that bad. The cut itself had been worse.

"No-no, I'll be fine. It doesn't look too deep. It should heal on it's own."

Yeesh his hands were soft. He never imagined Sonic's hands would be so-


"Kay." Sonic took the bandage and wrapped Tails' finger, sighing as his hands remained around Tails'. Why was he still holding his hand? Way to be awkward.

He cleared his throat and dropped Tails' hand.

"Uhh. I think I'll cut the carrots from now on. M'kay?"

Well...that was over...and probably the last time he'd ever feel Sonic's bare hands again.

"I can do it.", he insisted. "I was just careless, that's all."

"Uh huh." He patted Tails' shoulder, motioning his head to return to the kitchen, "I can finish up whatever you were making, though."

Considering he just almost chopped his finger off, perhaps that wasn't a bad idea.

"Just this once.", Tails smirked. "I'm a better cook and you know it."

"Well, I'm definitely okay at making chili dogs," Sonic returned the smile, giving Tails a quick wink, "Annnnd pretty okay at not chopping my hands off."

Just when he thought he had control of the situation Sonic had to go and wink at him. Tails was certain that his best friend must be blind not to see how he felt about him.

"Yeah-yeah. Okay, I'm going to go find another pair of gloves."

So, um, yeah...

Let me introduce myself first, I'm Harmony, but I mostly get called by the nickname "Mony". Weird, right?

Anyways, um, yeah! That was the first chapter of my, well, technically, me and my friend's book (sorry it was short). I reaaaaaally hope you liked it because It'll make me so happy if you did! (^v^)

Stay tuned for more chapters! BAIII.

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