now there's nothing to do, but scream at the drunken moon.

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"Woo! Warped tour bitches!" I yelled, running on the bus only to get attacked by my bandmates. I grinned as I picked my bunk then went to grab a beer from the fridge and sat down, iPad in hand. 

"Are you going to actually communicate with us this tour?" My guitarist, Josh chuckled lightly. I pushed his shoulder and laughed with him. 

"Josh, leave the girl alone!" A familiar voice called into my bus. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"KELLIN!" I yelled, running over and tackling him in a hug. Kellin and I had been best friends since middle school.  Kellin was honestly the only best friend I had that stay after Tony broke up with me for unknown reasons. Kellin was there for me the entire time and I owe him the world. Vic was the second closest person to me. I know Tony didn't really want the guys talking to me after we broke up, considering he hates me for no reason, but Vic and I text all the time. I miss them all, to be honest. 

"Jenny! Were's my hug?" I heard someone pout. I turned around and saw Vic standing there, a pout on his face and his arms open. I repeated my actions with Kellin to Vic. 

We all sat down and hung around, catching up. It had ended up getting pretty late and we were all bored out of our minds. Kellin had to go do something with his band, leaving Vic and I alone, who were currently talking about how I had been handling everything after the event with Tony.

"Tone has a girlfriend.." Vic said quietly. I nodded, not knowing what to say. 

"I hate her. She's as fake and can be and she hates any girl who looks at Tony." I rolled my eyes, and pulled my knees up to my chest, sipping my beer carefully. 

"Hey Vic? You in here man?" I heard an all too familiar voice, causing me to start choking on my beer. Vic looked up towards the front of the bus and cringed. I followed his gaze, and there Tony stood with a bleach blonde girl grasping his hand tightly. 

"Nicole! What a surprise to see you here!" Vic said, faking happiness. 

"New girl, Vic?" Nicole asked, a look of disgust appearing on her face as her gazed dropped to me. 

"No, we're just friends." He rolled his eyes at the girl in front of him. 

"Good. You could definitely do much, much better." She sneered. That was my breaking point. This bitch didn't even know me, and she was already accusing me of being a disgusting human, not that I disagree with her. 

"Bitch please, you don't even know me." I spat, standing up off the couch. Tony and Vic both automatically tensed, and I noticed Vic motion Tony to come sit by him and not get in the way of us, unless something bad happens. I always have had anger issues, and if you push the right buttons, I'll start a fight. 

"Oh honey, you won't do anything to me, you're weak and small. You aren't even intimidating," She said, stepping closer to me. I heard Vic and Tony groan behind me, knowing I'll most likely start something. 

"You want a bet?" I growled, stepping even closer so that we were nose to nose. 

"Hit me. I dare you. I bet you're too prissy to even lay a finger on me." She said, flipping her hair and turning around. That was it. She pushed me to limits I promised I wouldn't go. 

I reached my hand out, and yanked her hair back, spinning her around to face me. Before she could even say anything to me, my hand collided with her face, leaving a bright red hand print sitting nicely on her cheek. 

"Jennette Danielle!" Vic yelled, pulling me away from Nicole. I rolled my eyes and shook Vic off, walking into my buses bathroom and locked the door. I stared at myself in the mirror with disgust. I was never like this. Sure, I had anger problems but I never used to take it out on people I didn't know. I was in the bathroom, picking myself apart with my eyes as angry tears just rolled down my cheeks. I had heard all my band members including all Pierce the Veil's members talking in my front lounge, but I was too much of a coward to face them. There was a light knock at the door. 

"Go away!" I muttered, my voice shaky. 

"Jenny, please open up. It's Jaime." He sighed. I wiped my eyes and unlocked the door. As the door clicked open, I sat on the edge of the sink, kicking my shoes of and wiping my makeup that was smeared onto my shaky hands onto my legs. 

Jaime sat in front of me and took my hands in his. "What happened, Jenny?" He pleaded, looking into my eyes. 

"I-I lost c-control. I h-hit her out of a-anger." I stuttered. He sighed deeply and came to sit next to me. 

I let everything out. I vented everything I could possibly think about. 

"Go get some sleep, kiddo. We're playing right before you, come hangout on side stage while we play. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, pulling me up and giving me a hug. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and muttered a goodnight to everyone and went and got changed into a tank top and sweatpants and crawled into my bunk and popped my headphones in and let music take over my body for the night. 


so that's the first chapter!

i know, i know. it's shitty. aha i'm sorry! i hope it will get better the more i writee.

i will also be posting this story on c:

you can find me under the username; d1sasterology 

picture is jenny --->

love you all. 

xo laurie

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