》Leading Her On《

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This is for avadatothekedavra for Imaginemarvel 's Secret Santa. Probably should've published this earlier, I'm sorry!


That damn man. He knew what he did to you. He knew the effect that 1940's charm had on your heart. He knew he had you falling deeply and heavily for his stupidly perfect face and hair and eveything.

And he was loving every second of it.

And when Christmas finally came around, he was determined to have you on his arm before the holiday was over. And James Barnes always gets what he wants.

You were watching a movie and eating a festive cookie when his plan was set into motion. He was almost giddy, because he knew his elaborate scheme was brilliant.

Phase 1: give you food.

He piled every single cookie he could find on a blank white plate, trying his hardest to not split every single one in half. Needless to say, he wasn't the most graceful being on Earth, and managed to spill just about every single sprinkle there was. He panicked momentarily, frantically trying to scoop the tiny, colorful sugars into his hand, but they just rolled off the counter and onto the floor. As a last resort, he was able to kick most of them under the fridge. Hopefully nobody noticed.

Plastering a sexy smile on his face, he picked up the plate full of cookies and carried them out to the living room, mentally prepping himself for the massive amount of good ol' Bucky charm he was about to lay down.

"Hey there, doll." He greeted, setting the cookies on the coffee table. "Whatcha watchin'?" He plopped on the couch next to you with a grin.

You narrowed your eyes at him, your gaze shifting between his smug smile and the plate of cookies. He wasn't ever this nice to you, unless the mass amounts of flirting followed his generosity.

"What do you want?" You asked bluntly. He was taken back for a moment.

"What?" He replied.

"What do you want?" You repeated.

"Jus' want to be merry, doll. Y'know, have the Christmas spirit."

"This isn't right." You sighed and stood from the couch, making a quick exit. You weren't in the mood for his meaningless flirting, you wanted it to actually mean something.

Bucky frowned at your behavior. Why did you leave? He decided Steve should know. Steve knew a lot of stuff.

He stood and walked to Steve's room, knocking once before letting himself in.

"What's up, Buck?" Steve asked, laying on his bed and reading a book.

"I need to ask you something." Bucky replied. Steve set his book down, still open, on his chest and turned his face towards Bucky.

"Why does (Y/N) think it's weird when I'm being nice?" Bucky asked.

"Well," Steve sighed, "you're not exactly a cuddly teddy bear."

"Yes I am!" Bucky protested, crossing his arms like a child.

Steve chuckled and shook his head. "You've been quite a flirt lately. I think Natasha told me something about 'leading girls on', and how it's not good or somethin'." He said, putting air quotes around 'leading girls on'.

Bucky's mouth made an 'o' shape, the realization of what he had possibly been doing hitting him. He never meant to mess with your feelings.

He had to change his whole game plan. Phase two: get the girl would have to be changed to:

Phase two: apologize, you meat head.

So he took a walk of shame to you bedroom, where may or may not have smuggled the plate of cookies to, and knocked lightly on your door.

"Who is it?" You called.

"It's me." He mumbled. The door opened a few seconds later, your head poking through the small opening.

"Whatcha need?" You asked.

"I want to apologize, (Y/N)." He hung his head. You frowned, his sad expression actually hurting your heart a bit.

"Come in, Buck." You opened the door widely and stepped aside, letting him in. He walked inside and slumped into the armchair in the corner, fiddling with his thumbs. You chuckled at how he was acting- what a child.

"Why are you apologizing?" You asked in an amused voice, flopping back on your bed.

Bucky took a deep breath and looked up. "Cause Steve told me about how I haven't been treatin' you right. He said I was... what was it? I was... leading you in? Leading you through? Well, whatever it was, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mess with your feelings."

You looked at him for a moment, silence filling the air. As you stood and began walking towards him, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. A smirk fell onto your lips, making him gulp.

"D-Doll, what are you-"

"Hush." You said, making him quiet. You took his hands and made him stand, your faces inches apart.

"Bucky," you began, "first, thank you for apologizing. That was nice. Secondly, I bet you already know how I feel about you, but I have no idea if you feel the same way. And right now would be a great time to tell me." You eyes bore into his, your voice hushed. "And please say you like me too."

There was a moment of silence.

"I like you, too." He whispered. A grin broke out across your face, and you had to contain your squeel of excitment. You leaned up and pressed a short, soft kiss to his lips, smiling even more as you pulled away.

"You call that a kiss?" He teased, moving his metal hand to the back of your neck and pulling your lips to his. It was definitely longer than your kiss, and far more passionate. You pulled away for air and laughed slightly.

"You're such a dork, Bucky."

Leading Her On|Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now