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Lyndsay Cooper inhaled the fresh morning air, watching the early morning activity of the city below her. She had a perfect view from the rooftop of the office building in which she worked - since the miscarriage, she'd relished any chance to be alone with her thoughts. After months of anti-depressants, counselling and plenty of attention from her partner Gregg, the emotional torment was beginning to subside, and Lyndsay was looking only to the future.

Lyndsay smiled softly to herself, remembering the intense conversation with Gregg the previous night. Young and ambitious, the world was their oyster, open to endless reams of oppurtunity. They had discussed travelling the world to engage in charitable work - despite the obvious financial setbacks, it was a perfect plan. He was all she had, and all she had ever wanted.

A passing breeze disrupted her sleek brown hair, as something shifted in Lyndsay's peripheral vision. It was pointless attempting to turn around - her recent paranoia dictated that nothing would be there. A brief check of her watch informed Lyndsay that her shift was due to begin. But the minor issues like that no longer mattered - everything was so different now after what she had seen.

Releasing her grip on the metal railing, Lyndsay surrendered her body to the welcoming call of gravity, grinning uncontrollably as she tumbled.

Lyndsay Cooper was still smiling when her body crumpled against the concrete.

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