Prologue I

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"Haa.. Haa.." 

Haru clenched his fists as he held his breath at the presence of this man who held him tightly around his waist and caresses his lips with his.

"S-Stop..!" Haru tried to shove this man off but he is persistent as hell.

He wants to curse him to death.

He wants to curse this man, who made him like this.

As he held his head high, this man lick his lips like a predator waiting for his prey to beg on their knees for mercy. To completely suck on his own world. To be his. Forever.

"I think you don't want to stop." he grinned as he look below Haru.

Haru blushed entirely as this man saw his embarassed face realizing that below him Haru was very hard already. He started teasing him. Touching his body all over. From his hair, to his nape, his cheeks, his lips, his nipples and under those kimono of his.

Haru started to flinch as he felt this man's hands groping every part of his being.

He can't resist. No. More likely, his body doesn't like to resist much to the charms of this man who he holds special and dear but still hates inside and out. He wonders why on earth did he fall for this kind of man. More especially, why did he succumb to his desires.

to be continued~


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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