Chapter 1 ~ Captured

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"GIVE ME THE INSTRUCTIONS" Kylo Ren yelled at me, his light saber drawn

"NO" I yelled back, I knew I would regret this later.

"Fine then" Kylo said calmly and lifted a hand towards my head. I could feel him in my mind, giving me a migraine my body felt like it was on fire.Sweat trickled down my face and tears blurred my vision. I screamed out in pain and my ears began to ring. It felt like I was having my head smashed. Then relief hit me, the migraine subsided and the whole room became very cold. My eyes became heavy and I leaned back falling asleep.

Time Skip

I woke up in a new room, I was on a cot and the room was very dark. I sat up slowly and saw multiple cuts along the wall. Clearly from a light saber, then someone moved. Kylo

"You're awake" he said standing up

"Let me go you got what you want" I growled

"No I don't think so" Kylo began as he walked towards me "you see I can't just let you go back because you Ms. (Y/n) will give away my current position"

"Good" I retorted

"You don't do very well when someone uses the force on you" Kylo informed me

"Yeah I know" I said, I remember the first time Ray had used the force on me. She was trying to train me since Luke was trying to recover from being gone for so long. I nearly died, luckily Kylo didn't go for much longer

"I don't normally say this but I'm sorry" Kylo said, I raised one eyebrow

"I don't believe you for all I know you could be smirking under that dumb mask, take it off and try again" I said swinging my feet over the side of my bed.

"Yeah fine whatever" Kylo said and grabbed the sides of his mask. It folded up and made a tssing sound. He has shoulder length black hair and black eyes. "I'm sorry" he added

"Apology not accepted" I said and Kylo rolled his eyes. His voice wasn't as dead but more soft.

"I don't know why I try anyway get some more sleep we start training tomorrow if you need me my room is across the hall" Kylo said getting up "by the way sorry about your wall" I looked over to the wall that had the cuts in it. I crinkled my nose and fell backwards and stared at the ceiling. My eyes began to become heavy again  and I fell asleep once again.

Haha I thought I would make a Kylo Ren fanfiction. I love him bye he is amazing! Anyway you'll come around you just  wait ;)

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