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I sighed staring in appreciation at beautiful blue ocean, the hot sun blazed on my all black attire.  People probably think I'm crazy standing in the summer heat in black stockings, black tight fitting dress, and a black sweater. My long platinum blond hair sticking to my neck, it was hot really hot but I always went to the beach when I was sad, and if I went back into that empty beach house I knew it'd be my last night there. Then I'd be a ward of New York State.

I took off my heels and sat in the sand, mom wouldn't have wanted me to act this way. She'd want me to be happy she was gone, safe in heaven... I don't believe in a heaven. I don't even believe we were created by a god, somehow we all just exist.

I began to sink my hands into the sand, I appreciated it so much how the beach was literally my backyard. I was able to smell the salt water, feel the heat from the sun, dip my hands and feet and into the sand. It was a therapeutic for me. I realized I should head in now that it was getting pretty late, the sun was beginning to set. Shaking all the sand from me I made my way into the house.

Locking the back door, I threw my shoes on the floor. Turning out all of the lights and heading up the stairs not caring at all if I had dinner. I changed into a ratty old t-shirt and shorts, I left my bedroom to go to the bathroom.

I looked at her door, I haven't been in there since she died. I quickly thought of something, whenever I was younger and would get sad my mom would read me stories about these creatures called Finis. I'd just grab all of her books, and she had a lot, but just get out.

So I did just that.

It took four trips to get every single book but I did it.

Sitting on my bed I grabbed a magazine type book to start with.

The Origin of The Finis

The first Finis dates back to 1830 he is the most powerful finis in the world. He was created by 4 of the most powerful witches known to ever live. They used energy from the sun to create him and his wife where they got their last name Solis. They are creatures of kindness, compassion, understanding. But have a dark power, manipulation, they use their power of manipulation to get humans to do whatever they want. They hate that factor about them.
They're also eternal. They can never die. They have the power to heal any human, even their own kind.

3 more families were created.


Bonum? That's weird, that's the last name of my birth mother. Her name is Augusta Bonum. I've secretly always wanted to meet her, I'd never tell that to the woman who was actually there for me, but deep down I had the desire to meet this Augusta.

I grabbed one of the books that had the title

Bonum 1842 ~

The Bonum first began when the witches decided to make the final family out of everything good on earth, earning their last name Bonum the Latin word for good.

It started with the first husband Alex Bonum and his wife Rain Bonum.

They had 4 children, Tara, Maddox, Jack and Augusta.

That's scarily ironic, but she can't be my birth mother. She was born in the 1800's. I continued to read.

The myth says with this family Augusta gave birth to a baby girl on July 7th, 1999. She gave the baby up for adoption, this brought great shame upon the population. They're own kind gave up one of their own to a human! So they needed to be punished. They buried them alive in the original town of  Finis New York. The only way they can feel fresh air again is if the daughter of Augusta enter the only cemetery in Finis and unburies them, they shall be united and be a family the way the wonderful witches purposed it.

They lie under a rock repeating the words "they shall regret their mistake"

Only Finis creatures can enter the town of Finis, but it is still on the map.

I was on the verge of tears, this couldn't be true. It was a story. But everything seemed so true. I wiped away all of my tears and got off my bed and made my way to my closet. I grabbed a duffel bag filling it with clothes. Grabbing another bag
I filled it with make up and food and water, my permit, feminine hygiene products. Then I grabbed the last bag I was gonna need I opened up the mason jar and spilled all my babysitting money into the purse. Making my way into my moms room, I don't care if Augusta is my real mom. Janet will always be my mother.

Mom had a safe in her closet, for emergencies. She trusted me with the code, I typed it in and the vault opened. We weren't poor is all I'm gonna say. My mom inherited a lot of money from her CEO father. I stuffed all the money in the purse. The money was gonna go to the bank, well guess what bank, fuck you.

I made my way down the stairs and out the door not bothering to lock it. I wasn't coming back. I was glad that my mom was allergic to anything and everything. So I didn't have a pet to worry about. She was allergic to any animal, even the hypoallergenic ones.

I've always wanted a really big dog or even a cat, maybe I can have one now.

I finally approached the train station, I was about to fall asleep. It was about dawn and I had left around two in the morning.

I carefully slid out $40 in advance so the ticket lady wouldn't get suspicious of a 16 year old girl carrying hunks of cash in her purse. I laughed at this, I felt like I was in some type of movie.

I pulled back my long locks, I was sweating it was about 70 for only so early but I've been walking for so long.

I walked into the station and walked up to a window.

"You alright kid, you're sweating bullets?" The lady questioned but laughed a little.

"Yeah I wanted to get a good sleep on the train so I walked from the beach."

"You're crazy," she said laughing.

I chuckled.

"One way trip to Finis," I said pulling out the $40.

"You're on the A train, track 23."

I thanked her and took my ticket, the train was leaving in ten minutes, I ran as fast as my little heart could take me.

I made the train and drifted off into dreams of where mom wasn't sick and was still here.


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