Sick Of The System Don't Wanna Hear It, It's Not A Secret I'm Just a Reject

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It was another boring ass day in Green Tree "a wonderful place to help problematic teenagers" sure, that's not what it looked last week. Anyways I was walking down to "lunch", or whatever you call that slop with Michael, who managed to dye his hair yet another color. I still have yet to figure out how he managed to slip hair dye in here without getting caught I mean this place has guards walking the perimeter 24/7. How do I know this you might ask? Well I might of tried to escape once...
We turn into the lunch room when I see him. He's wearing a nirvana shirt with tight black skinny jeans that were ripped on the knees and matching his black converse. He looks different than most people, you can usually tell why they're here, because of how they dress or sit, but with him nothing there was nothing. He's sitting there, eating without a care in the word. The smallest smile caress his lips, almost in the shape of a smirk. Michael and I grab our lunch and sit down. It's grilled cheese as usual. "Hey I saw you staring at that new kid huu huu" Michael says nudging me. "Yeah I actually was looking at him. he's different" I said reply. "what do you mean different? like the way he has drum sticks in his back pocket?". "I had just noticed that too. yes and no, it's like there nothing wrong with him he looks happy" "Listen, what do I always say bud, you don't know a person until you actually know a person." He manages to say that everyday. "There you go again with that metaphoric bullshit again." He slaps me on the arm "hey we should go sit with him!" I wonder what we are about to do, but nod.
As we start to walk over I keep feeling worse and worse with every step I take. We reach the table just as Michael starts "hey can we sit with you? my names Michael Clifford and this is my friend Luke Hemmings." he looks up and sticks his hands out. "Ashton, Ashton Irwin". We shake hands that's when I see them, the marks covering his wrists faded and new as I move my head up I see the marks on his neck. I instantly know what those marks are from... Ropes & Razors.
Cliff hanger hu well I hope you liked it that was my first chapter it's mostly lashton
But I might include some malum if you want planing on making a chapter every week hopefully but I have school to so ya byyyyyyyye

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