Not in The Book.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter

Rating: K+

Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley

~ Not in The Book~

I was shaking badly, barely registering the cup shatter on the floor. I felt cold and hot at the same time and I knew something was wrong. The book said that it would feel like a giant snake was inside you but this was completely different. I fell to the ground, not noticing that my own hand started sprouting fur. I gasped for air hoping it would end soon. As if someone had heard my wish, the pain started to leave my body, as if it was slowly dripping away through my finger tips into the hard, cold ground. I stood up slowly and jumped in shock, I was covered in fur. Before I could examine myself more I heard Harry's voice. "Hermione, are you alright?" No, no I wasn't.

This was not in the book.

Instead of voicing my opinion I said "I'm fine, why don't you two go on without me?" I tried to sound calm but my voice came out an octave higher than I wanted. "Are you sure," Ron asked, worry lacing his voice. "I'm fine," I say for the second time, my voice a little calmer. "Go," I continue "You want to catch Malfoy, don't you?" That did it. I heard feet scuttle away from the bathroom, the only noise left being Moaning Myrtle's small moans from the other stalls. I slowly walk out of the stall and over to the mirrors, I looked like a big, furry, cat.

This was not in the book.

Polyjuice Potion is a very complicated potion that allows the drinker to assume the form of someone else. While it can account for both age and gender, Polyjuice Potion cannot be used for a human to take an animal form. So why was I a cat? I must have taken hair from a cat instead of the Slytherin girl. I began to panic, what was I going to do?

This was not in the book.

I looked down; my clothes didn't tear apart because I was around the same size. "Ha-ha," I heard a squeaky voice behind me, "You've got a tail! Whiskers too" It was Moaning Myrtle. She looked absolutely delighted, circling around me. I rushed back into the stall, covering my face, waiting as the clock ticked. My only hope now was to wait it out, I had no idea what was to happen.

This was not in the book.

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