Fix You - Larry Stylinson

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Louis' POV

"You little piece of shit!" Mark screamed, while punching me in the face, I let out a whimper which caused him to snicker in return, followed by another kick in the stomach, I curled up in a small ball in a hopeless attempt for him to stop. He let out one of his wicked sinister laughs that sent horrible shivers down my spine, he stood up, his lanky body towering over me, he kicked me in the ribs one last time before leaving my bedroom, slamming the white fragile door begin him.  

I sighed, letting a quick tear roll down my face, i rubbed my hands over my face before I hoisted my weak body up onto my bed, to give myself energy for school tomorrow. I really hate school. But what can I do about it, I used to ask Mark all the time if I could move school's and each time I asked resulted in me being hit, which is why I don't bother asking anymore. Sometimes being at school is worse than spending the day with mark.  

Everyday of my life mark has caused me pain, maybe not all the time physical pain but emotional pain as well, which in some cases can be just as bad.  

I just want to get away from it all. Why me? Why did mark decide that he can make my life a living hell, what did I do, that's what question I've been asking myself from the start, but I don't dare ask him, I know what the result will be.  

Sighing again I looked up at the clock hanging above my door, my vision suddenly becoming blurry with a new set of tears, I wiped them away with the back of my hand, before turning over to lay on my side, bringing my legs up into my chest.  

I closed my eyes "i need to get out of here." I whispered to myself before letting myself fall into a dark sleep,  


Louis's POV  

I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping its usual annoying tone, ugh I need to change it soon, I lifted my legs up over the side of my bed, letting them dangle there whilst I lifted the top half of my body up, wincing in pain as my stomach ached from where mark had hit me last night , I rested my head in my hands and rubbed my face, and letting out a long yawn.  

I don't have to sneak around in the mornings of weekdays as mark is at work, allowing me to have a little ounce of happiness. 

I pulled my self up and hopped into the shower, when I was done I examined all the bruises mark made on my skin, sighing I looked up in to the mirror, damn I look a mess, I shook it off and started getting ready for another painfully slow day of school.  

When I was all ready for school I flung my grey rucksack over my shoulder and headed out the door locking it behind me. I slipped the key under the mat so Mark can get in, as he doesn't have a key.  

I put my iPod on shuffle, putting my earphones in, as I hummed along to the first song that came on. 


An agonisingly slow 3 lessons had past and it was now dinner time, I headed up to the library as that's where I've been sitting for the last week or so, I tend to move around the school a lot so the people that choose to bully me don't know a precise location to where I would be eating. Sadly doing this does not help in the slightest but I choose to do it anyway. I took my favourite seat in the whole room, which is in the very far corner behind the non fiction bookshelf, it's my favourite because nobody can really see me unless they come right down the isle.  

I pulled my lunch box out my bag and started eating my sandwich, I leaned back in the chair looking around, I took another bite before deciding on reading a new book for a change, I really can't remember the last time I read leisurely, I scanned the shelf looking for a book that really stood out, had bright colours and perhaps could make me laugh, I found none of the sort but went with pulling a random one out. Which was ' measly Middle Ages.' By the horrible histories collections, someone must have misplaced this, I tutted to myself before opening it up to the beginning pages, I read the first few lines before "oh, here he is little fagboy is reading." Kyle mocked, ugh god I honestly don't have the effort for this, "just go away kyle." I whined, he smirked back evilly before grabbing my lunchbox and throwing it in the bin, causing his little 'gang' to laugh, he walked towards me slowly like a predator getting ready to pounce on its prey, and snatched my sandwich out of my hands, great guess I'm going hungry today, he raised my sandwich to his mouth and lifted the bread up and spat in it and once again his 'gang' laughed some muttering "go on kyle," and other words which I didn't quite catch but was along the lines of " kyle.....he's....just hit... Gay fag." Kyle then roughly gripped the back of my head roughly pulling my hair, causing my face to be pulled back, he grinned then slowly but forcefully smeared the sandwich across my face, if only mark could see this he would be wetting himself with laughter, but despite kyles strength he was no way near as strong as mark. 

He let go of my hair, laughing he said "come on let's leave the faggot to eat his dinner." And with that he left, I got up and scraped the sandwich off my face and waited till Kyle had definitely gone to head down to the toilet to wash my face.  


The walk home from school was the same as usual, full of worry, this is the worst part of my day having to walk from one crappy place to another, and it made me feel like absolute shit, I knew as soon as I walked threw that door mark would be there to make my life hell, it's like his mission or something to make my life a living hell, and boy has he succeeded.  

Slowly I pulled open the door handle, getting myself prepared for the shit that's about to happen, I looked around and didn't see him, cautiously I slipped of my shoes, tiptoeing up the stairs, I fled to my room not wanting to be caught by him, I opened my door and there he was sitting on my bed a sinister grin planted on his face  

" you took your time Louis." He smirked at me, his words making me feel sick as if i had just eaten a full course meal and then went on a rollacoaster. " s-sorry." I mumbled quickly not being able to hide my stutter, I looked down at my feet not knowing what to do or say, " Look at me!" He shouted making me jump at his sudden out burst, he quickly stood up and walked towards me, grabbing my shirt by the collar he thrown me roughly on the floor, a pain shot up threw my arms causing me to cry out in pain, " don't you ever look away from me, do you understand." He said it more of a command than an actual question, I shook my head vigorously, he threw a very unexpected punch to my stomach followed by another and then another, he was pounding my stomach with angry punches, I bit my lip daring myself to show any weakness as he would only hit me harder if I did, the last one did it the most I couldn't hold it in anymore "aaaaaaaaaahhhh stop, stop, please stop." I screamed hoping someone would hear me, but it was no use, "oh you want me to stop do you, your pathetic." He snapped before punching my face, I rose my hand to the stinging pain in my face, he stood up never taking his eyes of me, he turned around and grabbed something off my bed, it took me a few seconds to realise that I was a knife, quickly I pulled myself backwards, shaking my head " no, no please don't." I whispered, my whole body suddenly started shaking, he's going to kill me, he's going to kill me, he raised the knife slowly letting a smirk appear on his face, before quickly bringing it back down, I felt it pierce threw my back, I screamed the loudest I ever have done before, it hurts so much, I can already feel the blood dripping down my back soaking my shirt, I started to feel light headed and dizzy, marks shouting started to fade out like a big bubble was trapped in my ear, my vision started getting blurry, but I could make out that he was kicking me in the stomach, and that was the last thing I saw until I blacked out.

Fix You - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now