The Rehearsal

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Brian's pov
It was two weeks before the first show and Lauren and Jamie were still trying to help Meredith get the beginning dance section organised but for some reason she just couldn't get it. "Meredith I swear we've done harder dance numbers than these, I don't understand how you don't understand its kick, sing your section and turn. It's not fucking complicated!" Everyone could see that Lauren was getting annoyed but they had been going over it for at least half an hour now, maybe I should step in before Lauren goes totally insane.
"I'm sorry Lauren I'm just struggling to concentrate right now and everyone knows dancing is definitely not my forte." Something had seemed off with Meredith recently and today was just another example as she walked through her dance section with Lauren and Jaime without cracking a smile once.

Another ten minutes went by and still Meredith was struggling. "Oh for fucks sake Meredith I honestly don't know how you've still got this part when you can't do this simple dance. Oh wait, that's right, it's because your fucking one of the writers. I'm sorry but I can't be dealing with this shit anymore! It's ridiculous!" With that Lauren stormed off backstage to go help some of the guys whilst Meredith just stood there looking hurt.
"Meredith maybe you should take a break, trying to do it all at once isn't going to help you remember the dance." At least Jaime was a bit more sincere as she left the stage but I could still see the tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded her head and walked off stage quietly. "Guys if we could do a once over of Twisted whilst I go check on Meredith that would be good," I shouted through the stage as I ran back to Meredith's dressing room where I presumed she had run off to.

As I got closer and closer to Meredith's dressing room I could hear sobbing and murmuring although I couldn't really make out what was being said as the door was currently shut.

Meredith's pov
Lauren was completely right. The only reason I had gotten these parts was because of Brian, I didn't have the talent to do any of these shows yet if any of them argued with a writer they wouldn't be allowed to perform either. I was absolutely useless at the dance number even though Lauren said there had been harder ones I just couldn't seem to get it into my head. With the increase in rehearsals things had gotten a lot more stressful and my anxiety was starting to come back which hadn't happened to this extent since my high school days. I mean sure going through university was stressful but my friends had helped a lot however everyone seemed to be against me in this production, it was all of my scenes that were taking the most time to rehearse and learn which I knew was starting to annoy everyone.

As I was running back to my dressing room I heard Brian directing everyone and knew he would be follow me so I immediately shut and locked my dressing room door. Not five minutes later there was a knock at my door and a very timid knock. "Meredith honey, it's me Brian. I was wondering if you could let me in. I know you're upset about what Lauren said but it's not true, your going to get this dance number and the whole thing is going to look great." I slowly got up from my chair and unlocked the door, opening it up only enough to see Brain staring worriedly into my eyes.

Brian's pov
"Lauren was right, I am a failure. I'm no where near talented enough to be in any of these shows." I can't believe Meredith was saying these things about herself. She was one of the most talented people I had ever met.
I quietly knocked on the door so as not to startle her and tried to persuade her to open the door. What seemed like years later I heard the door unlock and the most gorgeous brown ears staring back at me. "Meredith."

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