this be mah shtory.... of Milly

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Elloh loves!! I have finnaly written a shtory! :D tell meh whatcha thank and help me name it! D: i srsly need help in that department! OH and i dont proof read becawz ima lazy ass so just BEWARE of my ghetto typing =3 jk but if theres any mistakes im sowwy

anywhoseres myahs mah storay! tell meh if i should keep writing or not


When your 16 everything matters. Everything is always exagerated. To the point of insannity. 15 you were to young and niave to understand things. 16 is just... more complex. I guess.

My name is Emily. Im unfortunatly 16. that faze of insanity hasnt passed by yet for me. Just everything else, that most 20 year olds wont have to deal with, happen instead.

My parents are buiseness owners in New York and have to travel alot. This month being one of the 'oh haley darling we are going to china' months. I dont really mind though. Im more mature than other teenagers. Thats why they leave me and my brother by ourselves.


"Mily i know your here!! open the damn door its winter!!" Screams my best friend Flynn. i run down the stairs, throwing my long black hair in a messy bun, to open the door.

"Hey babe!" Flynn exclaims pulling me into a bear hug. Flynn always calls me 'babe' and has since we were 13. It doesnt mean anything really.

"Hey Flynn!" i say breathlessly. "i. cant.breath.dumbass!"

He emediatly puts me down and blushes. Awww. He's so cute!

"Sorry Mily." flynn says shyly.

"its ok, Hun!!" i say and hug him tightly.

"Haha. Mily, what should we do today?!" he laughs. I take a minute to think before screaming...

"KAREOKE BETCH!!" and run upstairs. I hear Flynn's huge feet runup the stairs behind me.

Flynn is almost, if not, the hottest guy ever. He is about 6'0 and really skinny. Instead of emrald eyes like mine he has dark brown, sometimes black, eyes. He also has alot of peircings and some tatoos. He's not even legally old enough to have tatoos but my older brother Noah is a tatoo artist. So he does all of our peircings and junk. Flynn also has black hair but his is way shorter and always styled perfectlly hanging over his left eye and has multi colored streaks. FLynn is like the scene kid everyone wants to be.

"Soo u wanna go first best friend?!" i screetch at him.

"sure thang best friend!" he yells back grabbing the mic and turning on the WII. 'Kareoke Revolution' pops up on the screen and he clicks 'OK' then tosses the WII remote to me. I gracefully drop it and we both laugh.

"Shut up" i giggle as i pick up the remote and chose a song for him while he closes his eyes. 7 things by Miley Cyrus shows on the huge plasma tv and the music begins to play. Hehe ima have fun with this.

"You bitch!!" Flynn screams and tackles me to the ground tickling me.

"you shouldnt have let me pick the song then!" i scream in between fits of laughter.

"Well i didnt think you were gonna pick the worst song ever!!" he tells me, Still tickling me.

"Just sing the damn song and stop being a pussy!" i yell trying to push him off of my small body. He stands up and grabs the remote and starts singing the song. I cant but laugh at him. I personally have no clue what the words are but he knows ever freakin word and i find that utterly hilarious!

"I hate u Mily!" he exclaims when the song is over.

"Aww. i love you to bitch!" i yell and kiss his cheek. WAIT! Did Flynn just blush?!

"HAHAHAHAHAAHHH" i laugh at the top of my lungs untill my sides hurt so bad and i have to pee.

"Oh shut up! its your turn!" he nudges me lightly and hands me the mic as he chooses the song i will sing. 'Just Dance' by Lady Gaga starts playing and i jump up and down. I am a huge Gaga fan!!

"I have a little bit too much

All of these people start to rush

How does he twist the dance?

Cant find a drink. oh man!

Where are my keys iv lost my phone" i sing into the mic and sway my hips back and forth.

When the song ends Flynn claps and gives me a hug.

"Nice babe. haha" flynn says giggling.

"Oh i do try!" i smile and jump on my huge bed in the middle of the room. Flynn plops down beside me and laughs.

"Well whatcha wanna do now Flynny?" i asking him and laugh.

"No clue, Milly" he smiles at me with his handsome smile. I Abso-freakin-lutly love Flynn and he knows it too.

"lets go bother your brother!!" i scream. Flynn has an older brother too. Matt. But he is not as old as mine. Matt looks almost like Flynn minus the tatoos. He only has two peircings and his ear gaged. Matty is 18 and a senior at our high school. He' a total rebel unlike me and Flynn. Me and Flynn of course look like rebels with our emo statures but we are actually straight A students and perfect attendees. Matt, however, doesnt care what people think. He smokes and drinks and parties. The whole nine yards. He's also been arrested three times and he's deffinatly not a virgin. But he's like the most popular guy in school. All the girls want him. All the guys want to be him. its weird actually.

"C'mon, Mily just admit you still have that crush on my brother" Flynn suggested rolling his eyes and nudging me with his elbow.

"I do not!!" I protested but i could tell he knew i was lying by the brush that was creeping its way onto my cheeks.

Yes, its true. I used to have a crush on Matty but now that i reolize its never gonna happen it quickly faded. Of course you cant just drop a crush like that but i tried to.

"Fine Mily we will go antique my brother! Im pretty sure he's still asleep anyway."

"Yay!!" i screamed and jumped up to change my clothes. "just let me change and we can go"

"Mkayy" he said in a falsetto voice that made me laugh really hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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