Chapter 1

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Archangel's and Demons have been at war for many centuries now. No one every winning, but archangels have always had an upper hand. Till one day the Demons had been given a secret weapon that could change the course of the war. deep within the Demon world there is a 5 year old girl being taught brutally how to fight. She was constantly beaten for failing, but also got right back up every time. A decade later and she is an unstoppable force, and was finally allowed to venture into the human world above. Everyone thought she was heartless and ruthless, but her true-self lives deep within her own mind where no darkness can devour it. When they allowed her to leave they gave her escorts to make sure she stayed under control and for the extra protection. In the end the escorts did not work for two reasons. 1) she was way to curious for her own good. As result she was running around looking at every single little thing. 2) she can easily lose them (with her mad ninja skills >_<). By the middle of the day she finally left the lousy guards behind for they weren't going even slightly fast enough for her.
Skipping around every where, she ended up running into a battle between good and evil. watching she saw that the men with wings were winning this bloody battle. The battle was won by the men and her fellow demons, were sent back home. She was crouched down by the wall in one of the ally ways near the battle. The men all where talking and all them flew off except one stayed behind for some weird reason. Slowly he turned around and was looking for something. He saw a figure crouched down in the ally way closest to him, just a few feet in front of him. He walked over to the archway of the ally and crouched down by the entrance and peered through the darkness, he saw a human shape shift slight through the shadows. "Its alright I won't hurt you", his voice rang out. It was low and masculine, but had a bell like attraction to it. Slowly he reached his had out to where he thought the person was.

"Are you an Angel?", a feminine voice called out, having a high pitch, and a sing song way laced into it.

Slightly shocked at that it was a girl and that she had a very blunt way of asking questions. Slowly he smiled anyways "Yes, I am.... So you know I won't hurt you", he stated.

"I was always told that Angel's would harm me", she said.

He was confused why somebody would ever tell a young child this incorrect information or even their daughter. "I promise I won't hurt you", he softly cried out, stretching his hand out further into the darkness. The shadow got closer until a hand came out of the well of darkness, grabbing onto his hand like it was the only thing keeping it from leaving. The hand was very cold to the touch unlike his. She felt the warmth coming off his hand in waves. Gently he pulled her out of the ally way. He watched her slowly come into the street light giving off a glow that lit up her face like she was an angle. She was a very good looking women with dark brown hair with curls formed at the tips, a heart shaped face, and hazel eyes that had a spark in them. "What is your name child", he asked.

She hesitated, but for some unknown reason she trusted him. "I do not have a given name", she slowly said, for she was just now learning this odd language of their's.

He looked conflicted at first, but was gradually attaining that she was nothing but a mystery. "Very well, I will call you..... Rose", he declared.

She seemed to ponder over this, before a smile brightened up her whole face. Nodding her head vigorously " I love it!", she shrieked taking a firmer hold of his hand and running out toward the street. "Come play with me!", she exclaimed while dragging him along. He had a bewilder look on his face, but in the end let the girl win. For, only this night would he allow himself to be carefree with this girl and have some fun. They ventured the whole town, the sun was about to come back up so they stop on top of a hill to watch the antisense. "Michael", the girl inquired.

"Yes Rose", he asked and looked down at her.

A smile was present on her face, and her eyes were glazed over. "You are my friend right?", she questioned looking up at him.

Smiling down at her he took her into his arms around her and rested his chin upon her head. Taking her hands that were wrapped around her stomach and tangling their fingers together. "Yes, ... And I will always be there for you", he told her.

"Do you promise Michael", she begged.

"I promise", he stated.

She untangled herself from him, and smiled at him. "I had a wonderful time, Thank You", was her last words to him. At the last second she got on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. She wished to stay there longer, but at last she was wanted back home.

He stood there frozen and watched her run off into the last bit of darkness not yer conquered by the suns great rays. Behind him another angel landed and touched his shoulder.

"Come brother we have a lot of work to do", the other angel said. With that stated they both flew off to the sky to return to their father.

It would be many centuries later that they would look upon each other ever again, but fate would not allow it be on positive terms.


I will take advise. Any improvements, but i will not allow negative comments.

tell me if i should keep writing

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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