Author's Note

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I know a lot of people don't actually read these, but whatever.
Hi, my name's Lee, and I'm the author of this book you're about to read. I've been writing stories for as long as I can remember, but I've only finished a few, with my longest one being Leo Valdez X Reader right here on Wattpad, reaching over 30,000 words, and for those of you who don't know, a novel is 50,000 words, so I have a bit of a way to go with this book to get to that official novel title, and hopefully publish.
So, a short story about this book.
There's one song that influenced the cover as well as a big part of the story, and that's Oh Ms. Believer by Twenty Øne Piløts-it's a beautiful song, and the beautiful feeling it gives me inspired a lot of this story.
I'm a big fan of medicine, and actually considered going into it for the longest time, but decided against it when i realized I wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm fine with blood, guts, and gore, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to handle it on an emotional level, and I would just end up getting too stressed over having someone's life in my hands. A life is a very precious thing, and I am a very clumsy person. Not a good combination. So I ditched med school and watched medical shows like Bizarre ER and Untold Stories of the ER and Sydney/London/Vegas/New York ER instead. I was watching one of them one night when the idea struck me-what if a girl found a boy badly injured on the side of a road, and asked him to recite his favorite song, and he told her 'keep talking; your voice is like a song to me and I've decided it's my favorite one' and wrote a song for her based on the first words she spoke to him? And thus, Our Song was born!...and then trashed because I thought of a better idea, which you are about to read. Our Song has been ironically turned into Silence, but the love story's still there. Well, I don't like calling it a love story, because it's not. Sure, there's romance, but that's not the entire plot. The entire plot is something much, much bigger than that. It's about the beauty of life and how we can come into someone else's life so quickly and change their entire world right before their eyes.

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