Only chapter

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"What do you think about becoming Dreamy Crown's face?" I asked my girlfriend, as we layed in bed, nude under the sheets, with her head on my chest and my arms around her waist.

With Akari planning Luminas's tour and me designing my brand's new collection, moments like this were hard to find. But because of it, it made them even more precious.

"Dreamy Crown's face?" She asked me sleepily.

"Yes," I answered. "Seeing you so decided to keep on growing as an idol, made me rethink the path I was walking as a designer." I tried to explain. "You are about to start your tour with Luminas, while still doing your work with Oozora's Weather. Not to mention your training for the Starlight Queen Cup." My tone expressed all the adoration and pride I felt towards for Akari. "On the other hand, I am still at the beginning..."

"That's not true!" My girlfriend exclaimed, suddenly wide awake. "You created four wonderful premium dresses, you created Dreamy Puppy and launched the first commercial for your brand. Not to mention, the raising popularity of not only Dreamy Puppy on the market but Dreamy Crown as well. Each day that passes your brand has become more and more famous among the media and idols." She glared at me trying to look scary but only managed to look like an angry kitten. "So, don't sell yourself short Tsubasa."

"Ok, I won't." I chuckled and kissed her temple. "But I still want to start a fashion magazine," I told her.

"A fashion magazine?!" She asked me excitedly.

"Yes, a fashion magazine. Like Vivid Kiss," I answered. "It will come out once a month and will have interviews with idols or fashion icons, news about the fashion world, all the new designs of Dreamy Crown and information about Dreamy Crown that you can't find anywhere else".

"That's an amazing idea Tsubasa!" Akari exclaimed. "And you want me to be the face of it?"

"Who else better than my muse?" I replied cockily. "You will be in every cover. You might work with other models and idols, but you will always be the principle one." I pecked her lips sweetly. "Will you accept?"

"Of course, I will!" She exclaimed in joy. "But I'll have to consult Headmistress Orihime, she has to give me the ok first." She told me before grabbing her Aikatsu Mobile. "Hi Headmistress Orihime, do you have time?... Great! I am in Dreamy Crown's workshop and Sena-san just asked me to be his brand's face... He is going to start a fashion magazine and wants me to be its principal model... I know that it's going to be a bit hard with Oozora's Weather and Lumina's tour, but I want to do it. I can do it!... Really?!... Thank you very much Headmistress Orihime!" My girlfriend ended the phone call and turned to face me. "She approved it!"

"Perfect. Now I'll just have to prepare a team and everything for the photo shoot, not to mention put out an audition to decide who will be the other girls modeling with you." I told her. Suddenly and idea popped in my head and I turned to ask Akari: "Will Luminas be willing to be the first idols interviewed for Dreamy Crown's magazine?"

"That will be great publicity for our tour!" Akari exclaimed excitedly. "But I'll have to ask Sumire-chan and Hinaki-chan and see if they have any time in their busy schedules." She grabbed her Aikatsu Mobile, again, and called her friends. "Sumire-chan, Hinaki-chan I have big news!" After a few minutes of conversation Akari ended the phone call with a big smile. "Luminas will love to be interviewed by Dreamy Crown's magazine." Yes! I celebrated in my head. "Tsubasa what do you think about not only having me in the cover, but the idol or fashion icon you interviewed that month as well? This time will be with Sumire-chan, Hinaki-chan and me. Next time could be with Juri-chan... or maybe with Madoka-chan. It will be great publicity for Skips!"

"You are a brilliant girl Akari, have anyone ever told you that?" I asked her, making her blush.

We spent the rest of the day organizing what we needed for the launching of our magazine. Then I worked hard for two weeks until I had everything ready. Unluckily Luminas interview, their photo shoot and the audition had to happen on the same day. Because Luminas was starting their tour in five days.

"Sena-san!" Greeted me Akari before the last part of the audition started.

"Girls is good to see you," I greeted them back. "How was the interview?"

"It was nice, thank you for asking." Answered me Hikami with a gentle smile.

"They told us to come here for the photo shoot of the cover," continued Shinjou.

"Just wait a little bit more, that we will have to finish the audition first and then we'll move on to take the pictures." I told them. "Sorry for the bother and feel free to watch the rest of the audition."

"We will," Luminas replied together.

"Aren't they Luminas?!" One of the girls of the audition exclaimed to her friend. "Are they auditioning as well?"

"Yuki-chan! We are at the last part of the audition; they can't enter now. They surely are here for the interview. Which makes total sense since Akari is Dreamy Crown's face."

"What is your name?" I rapidly questioned the second girl.

"Me?!" She asked startled. I just nodded my head. "Miyu Shing," she answered.
"Well Shing, how did you know that Oozora is Dreamy Crown's face? That information hasn't been divulged yet."

"Because she is your muse," she replied, taking me by surprise. "She owns all of your premium dresses, she stared in Dreamy Puppy's commercial, you created Skips' Unit Dresses and now Luminas are the first ones being interviewed by Dreamy Crown's magazine... I just connected the dots." Shing blushed a bit and played with the hem of her shirt. "Also, she wears Dreamy Crown as good as Ichigo wears Angely Sugar."

Her answered left me speechless: "Let's finish the audition," I said when I finally recovered. I was very pleased with how the audition progressed and equally happy when I had to announce the winners at the end. "The ones that are going to be the models for the first edition of Dreamy Crown's magazine are... Miyu Shing and Yuki Lee!" Both girls looked surprised but happy. I decided to have Shing as my model as soon as I heard her answer. On the other hand, I simply chose Lee because she and her friend shine brighter when they are together. They will do a very good unit, I thought to myself "Congratulation girls."

"Thank you very much!" they replied at the same time.

"Now let's start with the photo shoot of the cover and later proceed with Oozora's pictures." I ordered.

"They are amazing!" Exclaimed Lee as we watched the photo shoot. Luminas were wearing their new Unit Dresses, that until the moment no one had ever seen.

"They are an incredible unit," commented Shing.

"Both of you would be a great unit too." I told them, my eyes never leaving my girlfriend. "You complement each other very well."

"You think so?" Asked me Lee. "But we don't sing."

"You don't have to sing to be a unit. You can be a dancing unit or an acting unit," I replied. "By the way, have you decided what path you want to follow?"

"We want to be models now," Shing told me. "But in the future Yuki would like to be a fashion photographer and I want to become a fashion journalist."

"Really?" I said out loud. "Let's make a deal girl, if you work hard and make some really good photos you can be the models of the fourth edition of this magazine." They gasped in surprise, making me smirk cockily. "And maybe in the future I'll interview your unit."

"Thank you very much!" They thanked me.

I just nodded my head liking the smile that was playing in Akari's lips, as if she knew what I just did.

Maybe she does, I thought.  

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