Christmases Tear

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Christmas...a happy time for giving and receiving gifts and spending time with loved ones. At least that's how it is for everyone else.

I should introduce myself, my name is Robert Suller, I have two kids and I'm married to a beautiful women. Oh...sorry I mean was married. Which brings me back to what I was saying.

Six years ago on Christmas day my wife...

Sorry... I still have a hard time talking about it, but I want this story told, so here I go.

Six years ago on Christmas day my wife was killed...she was mugged on the corner of the street, no one helped her.

She was alone

She had just gotten a necklace restored that belonged to her grandmother. It was a family heirloom. A simple ivory chain that attached to a beautiful blood diamond in the shape of a tear. She was going to give it as a gift to our daughter. Although little Emily was only four at the time she felt she should have it. But sadly she was never to get it. wife...could maybe have gotten home alive if only she had given the necklace. But to her the necklace was to important...she never told me why it was so important to her other than that it was a family heirloom.

Because Sarah wouldn't give up the necklace the mugger killed her and took it, leaving her body on the snowy ground. No one moved to help until after the man was gone, but it was to late, she had died. Stabbed right in the heart, she was alive for only a few seconds after being stabbed.

The man that did this..that killed Sarah, was never found. Which means he's still out there with her necklace.

Because of this event that happened six years ago I no longer enjoy Christmas. I've been pretending for the most part for my kids, I buy them presents, I smile, and pretend I'm OK. Though I don't think I fool them anymore, they sense my depression and they don't know what to say to me or how to talk to me.

For me Christmas is the worst time of the year, its just a depressing memory of a past life of happiness and love I can never get back. Sadly that time is coming again in just a few more days.

Every year on Christmas since then I sit on the couch every night for the first week before Christmas re-watching the news from the day she died. I don't know why I do it, its the same thing every time.

The news lady just talks about it like its any other story, like she wishes she didn't have to cover such boring stories.

"This is Kayle Farlay reporting on the corner of twenty third and twenty second street. As you can see behind me there has been a tragic accident here resulting in the death of one woman. I'm currently standing were the tragic incident took place, the victim Sarah Suller was stabbed to death while being mugged by an unknown assailant. Witnesses are saying the assailant was male and wearing a grey hoodie and dark blue jeans. The assailant is said to be in his late twenty's and between 5'7 and 5'9 tall. Today was a tragic Christmas for the Suller family, Sarah left behind a husband and two children. The city of New York gives our condolences to the Sullers."

After that the news just went on describing the situation and witness reports and saying how the police would catch the man responsible. But that never happened

*Knock Knock*

All of a sudden I hear knocking at the door, who could that be? I haven't had guests in ages.

I go to open the door and as I do my heart beat rises. All of a sudden I get this bad feeling. Its not bad news about one of the kids is it? Please no I couldn't take more bad news like that, especially this time of year.

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