A Sleepless Night

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Ah yes, the day had finally arrived. Or so you wished... because someone just couldn't go to sleep with all of her excitement for the next day. You mentally scolded yourself for getting so worked up, but who could blame you? Tomorrow you were finally going to be moving in with your s/o Lukas. As the seconds seemed to tick by endlessly you roll over and look at your alarm clock. Great, it's already 1:39 am and I still can't sleep. Sighing you decide to sit up and figure out what exactly you were going to do to help yourself achieve asleep. I could always have a glass of warm milk, or maybe-. You couldn't finish your thought before you hear your phone go off and the screen lights up, illuminating your dark room. It was a text message from Lukas. Why would he be texting me so late..? Maybe he can't sleep either? Curious enough as is, you weren't about to let his message go un-answered. Picking up your phone, you read the message he sent you.
"Are you still awake (Y/n)?"
Clicking the buttons on your phone, you respond, "Yeah, I'm still up."
After a few moments his reply comes in.
"Can't sleep either?"
"Yup. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow, we will actually be living together."
He replies again,  "I can't stop thinking about it either. Starting tomorrow I will be able to see you a lot more often, without having to drive." At this, you can't help but smile, and you figured he was too. You were one of only a few people who could somewhat read him, and for that you were grateful. Gosh, how lucky am I? What would I do without him?

So, first attempt at writing a reader insert fanfic! Sorry if it's not the greatest, and about how this chapter isn't very long. I will try my best to update it regularly though! Expect more soon! ~HeyImMe

Norway x Reader: Moving Dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن