Santinalia in Skyhold

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Josephine and Leliana were in the War Room with several boxes sitting on the table.

"You do realize that the Inquisitor isn't going to understand any of this, right?" Leliana commented, opening the top of one of the boxes. The smell of evergreen filled the room.

"Maybe not," Josephine answered. "But surely the Dalish have a similar celebration."

"Yule, but it's celebrated at the winter solstice, not at the beginning of Firstfall."

The door opened and the women turned to see Cullen walk in.

"I was told you needed...," he trailed off when he saw the boxes and smelled the evergreen. "Oh. This was the important matter you spoke of."

"Pretty much," Leliana said.

"You want to decorate Skyhold for Satinalia?"

"These people deserve some sort of celebration," Josephine said. "Especially with the way the world is."

Cullen nodded. "A moment to forget. I see your point."

"I can speak to my contacts and perhaps arrange for a feast. Our gift to the people of Skyhold."

"And who is going to explain what's going on to Tauriel, Solas, and Realin?" Cullen asked. "I doubt the three of them celebrate it."

"Realin is well aware of Santinalia," Leliana said. "She's been around humans long enough, not to mention she's a Warden Commander. I've seen Vigil's Keep at Satinalia."

Josephine chuckled. She turned and picked up one of the boxes. "We should get to work."


Tauriel approached Skyhold, glad to see it. Solas, Dorian, and the Iron Bull followed her, everyone looking exhausted.

"It was a complete waste of time," Bull was saying. "Those Vints had no intention of surrendering."

"They probably saw you and thought we were going to send them to Par Vollen," Dorian teased.

Bull shrugged as they walked across the bridge leading to the gates of Skyhold.

Tauriel immediately noticed the air of the keep seemed to be lighter. "What happened while we were gone?" she asked. "Everyone seems to be in a good mood."

"The keep does feel a bit festive today," Solas commented.

Cole skipped past them at that moment, evergreen twigs stuck into the band of his hat.

Tauriel's brows knit together. "Was that evergreen?" she asked.

"I hope so," Dorian said.

Tauriel shook her head as they walked towards the stairs leading to the main part of the keep. Grim walked by, his features seeming to be brighter. "Okay, I know something's up now. Grim doesn't look so... grim."

Bull chuckled. "Maybe Cole did something. You know he has that weird thing he does to people to make them feel better."

"To everyone?"

"Maybe. Later, Boss." Bull headed into the Herald's Rest, Tauriel hated that they named the tavern after her, while she and Dorian headed up the stairs.

"I really doubt that this is Cole's doing," Solas said.

"So do I." A very familiar smell seemed to be coming from the main hall and she stopped in her tracks.

Satinalia in SkyholdWhere stories live. Discover now