Chapter One

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Eren stood in front of a mirror, shirt pulled up. His stomach was revealed. It was slightly round and a little prominent. Three months. It had been three months since we woke up to an empty spot next to him in his bed. No sign of Levi. No note, no text. Nothing. It was like he disappeared. A week after Levi left, Eren became ill. He was throwing up in the morning and having cravings. Don't forget those mood swings too.

Out of worry for his health, he went his good friend and doctor, Hange. She was a doctor at the local hospital. That day, Eren recived the worst and best news of his life. Hange told him he was pregnant. And the only man he had been with was Levi. The first thought that went through his mind was abortion But this was a life! And his child. He would raise it without Levi.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, tears pooled in his eyes and slipped down his tan face. He gently stroked his stomach with a hand.

"It's going to be okay. We'll get through this." He whispered. He bit his lip and looked up at his reflection. He pitied himself. Eren's young face changed into one of determination. Damn it, he would clean up his life and be the best father...mother...whatever, to this child. He quickly wiped his cheeks dry and took a deep breath, ignoring the scars he saw across his wrists. He didn't need Levi. He would make it on his own. He walked out of the bathroom and pulled his shirt down. Eren glanced around his small apartment and studied it. The ratty sofa, the twin bed, the dirty floor, all were unsuited for a child to be around.

"I need a new apartment. Maybe I can call Mikasa and Armin about that internship at that publishing company they worked for." Eren spoke to himself, wanting to change his current life. He patted his stomach affectionately.

"Don't worry little one, momma's gonna get us through this." He found himself saying. Mother? Ah, well with it! He was the pregnant one so a mother he would be. He walked around to find his phone, determined to call his adoptive sister and best friend. He wanted his child to have the best life possible, the one he hadn't gotten to have.

With a deep breath, he heard the dial tone, then Armin's voice.

"Hey Eren! What's up?" A grin spread on Eren's tan face.

"Hey Armin. About that internship? I think I want to do it."

"That's great! How about you come over to my place so we can talk about it? I'll call Mikasa and tell her to come over." Eren let out a soft hum.

"Alright, I'll be over in a few then." With that, he hung up the phone and slipped it onto his pocket. He pulled on a jacket, grabbed his car keys, and walked out to his car. It was silver, like Levi's eyes.

Mikasa and Armin had no idea that Eren was pregnant. He knew he had to tell them but he didn't want Mikasa hunting Levi down and murdering him, even though he deserved it. He hopped in his car, buckled up, and drove off. Within in 15 minutes, he arrived at Armin's home. He parked his car and walked up to Armin's door.

Eren knocked a couple times and smiled when the door opened. It was Mikasa who stood in the doorframe.

"Hey Mikasa!"

"Hey Eren," she stepped aside and let him come in. Eren walked to the couch and took a seat. Armin walked in and sat next to him.

"I'm glad you finally decided to change your mind about the internship," the blonde said with a grin. Eren's jacket covered his pregnant stomach, which he was glad for. "Yeah I figured I should start cleaning my life up, y'know?" Armin nodded and pulled out some papers. "Let's start with your résumé." Eren nodded and answered every question Armin asked. He unknowingly had his hand on his belly the whole time. Mikasa noticed this a few times. After a while, she narrowed her eyes a bit.

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