Cuddle me forever?

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I walked across the gas station where I worked to a cute guy holding a Peace Tea, and wearing a red shirt that said "I WOULD CUDDLE YOU SO HARD". "Hi.. Can I held you find anything?" I smiled feeling awkward. He looked up at me and I saw he had Pokemon plugs, he was officially the cutest guy I'd ever seen. "No thanks though." He smiled. "Okay." I didn't know what else to say so I walked over to the cash register, and pushed Lillie away, "Let me check him out Lil." I said to her. "I'm pretty sure you already checked him out Marissa." She laughed as she went to wash the slushy machine. He walked over to the cash register and sat the peace tea down. "Hello again." I smiled. "Hi." He smiled back. "Will this be all?" I asked looking down. "Yes, and head up beautiful." I looked up at him, smiled, and blushed, "Dear I am far from beautiful." I reached out to grab his Tea to scan it and he grabbed my hand, I looked down at it, and couldn't help but smile again, I looked up at him, and he said "Your flaws don't define you. You are beautiful." My face turned red again and I smiled more. "You're crazy. Or high." I replied, "But thank you. I don't get compliments often." I picked up the tea and scanned it. "Oh yeah I smoke that locally grown kush, I could smoke you out sometime if you want?" He laughed. ".99 cents, and that sounds great." I laughed. He handed me the change and grabbed a paper and wrote something on it, handed it to me and said, "It's a date then!" And walked out. I was confused, I looked at the paper, there was a number on it and it said 'Call me BEAUTIFUL!(;' I smiled. Lillie walked over and looked at the paper, "Well. You really did check him out." "Yeah. I guess I did.." I laughed. "What time is it?" Lillie asked. "Uh. Hold on." I checked my phone, "2:30." "We're out of here as soon as Dave gets here!" She yelled dropping her hair down and taking off her work shirt. Soon Dave got there and we left.

**Later At Home**

I sat on my bed starring at his number, I don't even know his name.... I thought. I got my phone out, typed in the number, and pushed call. I waited. -Ringgg- -Ringgg-


Oh hi..

Who's this?

The girl from the gas station..

Ohh you must be looking for Damon.

Uh yeah I think..

Oh well this is Cyr

Oh? Where is Damon?

Bathroom hah

Oh okay is this his phone

Well du

Okay hah..

Do you think Damon is cute?

Well du

He needs a lady in his life hah

Oh hah well I just met him

I know he's been talking about you

Awh.. Really?

Yes. Hah. What's your name?


Okay well here he is.


Hello.. -Damon


What's up hah?

Nothing just calling you

Oh wanna come chill with Cyr and I

Yeah where are you?

Where are you? I'll come get you.

I can meet you at the park?

Okay sounds good

Okay bye


---I took the phone away from my ear and hung up.

I ran to my closet and grabbed out my favorite Sleeping With Sirens t shirt that was black and blue, and my blue shorts, and changed I ran into my bathroom and quickly straightened my hair, then put on eyeliner, it was blue. I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my back pocket, then my key and went out the door locking it behind me. I was walking down the hallway of the apartment building I lived in and saw Damon walk out of a room a few feet in front of me with a guy who was most likely Cyr. I gasped and ran around the corner before he saw me. I don't know why but I didn't want him to see me yet. I walked down a few hallways then out the back door. I walked over to the sidewalk and took the back way to the park, I looked around but they weren't there yet. I went over to the swings and sat on one slowly swinging back and forth, dragging my black Batman shoes across the wood chips. I took my phone out and looked down at it, no texts. My eyes scanned the park. Was he still coming? I heard someone behind me and looked that way, it was Damon walking up with his friend, he had a big smile on his face, which made me smile. I got off the swing and walked over to him "Hey." I smiled again. Damon wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, I hugged back he was warm and gave the best hugs ever. "Hey." He pulled away and smiled at me. "This is Cyr." He said pointing at his friend. "Hey, I'm Marissa" I said looking at Cyr."So should we go to my place now?" Damon asked. "Yeah." I smiled at him. We started walking talking about random stuff when out of no where it started pouring rain, I was shivering, since I only had shorts and a t shirt on. Damon noticed and come over and put his arm around me, I smiled, he was warm. "Thank you." I said looking at him. He just smiled and moved his arm down and grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwined and we were holding hands, I felt my face turn red so I looked down at the ground and smiled. He pulled me closer to keep me warm and we walked to his apartment, even inside the building we kept holding hands.

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