Exams Exams Exams!

45 4 4

November 1

(Okay, so I have decided that this will be a journal, not just a narration of my life.)

Mom started making me ride the bus now and It's kind of annoying but, fortunately, Joanna and I ride the same bus and actually which I didn't know was that she lives right around the corner from my house. I live on Oakley Lane and she lives on Hope Drive which are some very pretty names for a street, don't you think? This morning I ate a huge breakfast. Like, a lot.

And I feel like this was a bad idea considering I have a sensitive stomach but the food was so good. I have asked my mom to consider opening a restaurant multiple times she said yes but I didn't think she really meant it but dad says he'll help her with that when their anniversary comes up. Omg, that's like in a couple weeks, December 5th. I have to get them an anniversary present! You know, I wonder if mom packed me some yummy pancakes for lunch, (although I DO NOT need any more food.) But anyway I talked to Joanna and I accidentally slipped a little, no, a big secret you know the one about how I admire, no love Jamie.

"Omg, you like Jamie!" she said

"Shhhh, the whole world doesn't have to know!" I said covering her mouth, she bit me.

Then she says, "But you know Rayna has had her eye on him since like the 6th grade!"

And you know what that means whatever Rayna wants she gets. But, it still doesn't mean I can't have a crush on him right. But anyway we get to school and guess who's luxurious white limo pulls up behind the bus, You ready, Rayna's. I guess my day has to begin early, anyway I got off the bus and then Guess who walks up next to me, Just Guess!


Now, I know what you are thinking her luck can't get any worse but, the universe always seems to make a little exception for me!

"So, um Hi Clara!" He says, stuttering.

Like an idiot I say "Hey buddy what's goin' on!" also admiring his yummy smelling hair.

He stares at me a while, but it's okay this is the one time it's okay to stare back. Then how I wonder, it gets worst. The Queen of Snobs walks no, runs over and grabs Jamie's arm then glares at me and then she says

"Oh Hi Clara, Jamie was just coming from my limousine, you know because he does carpool with me! Which meeeaaannnss I get to spend about an extra 45-50 mins with him because we live in you know one of the richest neighborhoods in the area, I think you have heard of Diamond Manor!" then she giggles and walks away dragging poor little Janie behind her.

And the problem is that I know where Diamond Manor is, I drove through it when we moved here. I thought it was a bunch of condos or hotels, because they had pools and water slides and trampolines and all kinds of rich people stuff but when I asked mom what the name was... she said this was Diamond Manor!

So yeah, I was familiar with Diamond Manor. Oh, that's funny, the lady my mom works for is lives in Diamond Manor. You know dad's income isn't enough to support me, my older sister, and Grandmother.

But look I know if you've heard of the book series Dork Diaries yeah, my life kind of sounds like it. But look, life's real, there is always the guy who makes your stomach feel like it's gonna blow up, that mean girl that make you stomach want to throw-up, and those best friends that are here to help you grow up! So you know that lady is a very non-fictional writer because her books capture real life, you know what I am saying! Even though she does it in a fictional way! And even though there's always that bad, (well those bad coincidences for me) coincidence that ruins your life and like everything else there will always be a better for you somewhere and maybe it will come for you or maybe you will have to come for it!

But you know moving away from that sappy stuff. I walk into the school and meet Sam at the door and we walk to my locker I look at my new phone(mom got it for me after the play)

"20 mins till class" I wisper

I walk down the hall looking for Dad to see if he has my phone charger my phone only has 89 percent! I end up walking straight to my locker and Sam follows me all the way there but any way I try to put away and get my stuff as soon as possible Ranya will be coming to her locker in exactly 3 mins(She comes to her locker very day at exactly 15 after dragging Jamie with her) So a

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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