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“Are you sure you want to do this today?” Phil asked Dan, noticing how nervous he looked.

“Y-yes, otherwise we never will, right?” Dan asked, but leaned into Phil’s touch more to calm his nerves.

“Okay, well tell me when your ready and I’ll set up the camera. Old school vlog style, right?” Phil combed through Dan’s hair and let him cuddle up to him, knowing that would relax him. Dan sighed into Phil’s chest, contemplating the consequences of telling their followers that him and Phil were indeed in a relationship, and that they have been since they met. Some of them, the “Phan” shippers, would /love/ the announcement, but the ones with hopes of marrying one of the boys(or the homophobes), would probably disapprove and cause the boys a few lost subscribers.

“Yeah, old school vlog. I think I’m fine now, we can start setting the video up.” Dan said. Phil nodded and stood up, Dan following suit. They got the camera and tripod and set it up in front of the couch, where they had previously been cuddling. After the camera was ready for use, the boys sat on the couch next to each other. They were holding hands but the viewfinder showed that the action was invisible to the camera. Dan reached out and pushed the record button, trying to remain calm.

“Hey guys! It’s Phil and Dan. Sorry about the cryptic tweets about the subject of my new video, but you’ll find out why I did that soon.” Phil introduced the video and squeezed Dan’s hand reassuringly, feeling how scared he was.

“Hello.” Dan said and waved awkwardly. “Today Phil and I have an announcement to make, something we’ve wanted to tell you for a while now.”

“Yeah, and we decided now was a good time to tell you.” Phil continued. “Want to say it together?”

Dan nodded and smiled at Phil.

“We’re dating.” The couple said at the same time, Dan breathing a sigh of relief after,it felt good to finally get that off of his shoulders.

“Yeah, when we first met, we told each other we were bisexual and then when we met in person, we both knew we liked each other and decided to try out dating. We decided it was a good idea to wait and see if it would work out first before we told you guys, and now almost four years later we’re still together and have built up the courage to tell you guys.” Phil further explained, giggling at Dan’s red cheeks, kissing one of them.

“Phiiiil!” Dan protested.

“Shut up, cutie.” Phil responded, to which Dan nuzzled his face into Phil’s neck in embarrassment.

“Well, I guess thats all. PHAN’S REAL!” Dan screamed the last sentence and then turned off the camera.

“Your mean!” Dan told Phil. Phil responded by kissing Dan on the lips, and Dan kissed his boyfriend back, happy they had finally done that.

“Want to edit the video now, love?” Phil asked Dan, caressing his cheek, so proud of him and his boyfriend.

“Sure, my little lion.” Dan said, giggling. Phil pulled Dan into his lap and picked him up bridal style, walking Dan over to grab the camera and they went over to the iMac, ready to edit the video that would probably change everything. The boys spent the next hour editing, not needing excessive editing in the vlog, keeping a classic photoshopped end screen. When they were done they uploaded the video with the name ‘Phantastic News’, knowing the shippers would think it was them coming out, and be right.

“Well, that’s over, want some tea?” Dan asked Phil, to which he nodded a yes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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