Chapter 1

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Laeh's POV

   I ran across the driveway, pain shooting up and down my body, to find his body there. Laying on the ground with no sign of life or breath. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I dropped to my knees and felt not only sadness for the pain he had felt, but a sense of...happiness. For myself.
I was free. Finally free from the pain he had caused not only me, but my family.
Even though guilt swept my mind many times, I knew this was the best for everyone. Jared was dead. Fire and I would finally be able to relax, along with his now Ex-Wife Jaclynn. My detective years were still very much alive even though I, Laeh, had just turned 1034 not days ago. People told me I didn't look a day over 24, but I disagree. I looked about 25 and four months. Enough with the backstory though, this was serious chiz.
I could feel a car swoop past me, blowing my brunette hair to the side ever so slightly. I didn't have to look up to know who it was.
Fire sat at my side, and grabbed my hand, raising it to the sky and as I looked at her, she said quietly back... "Freedom". It took that one word to make me think about the guilt again, but as I stared at Jared laying there on the ground, I had a question. A burning question.

Is this my fault??

Hey this is ScarletteKat here! I'll just sign off my part of the story with :'D.
Next up Is my best friend Fire, and her part of the story will blow you away.
Hope you enjoyed!

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