Chapter one Annabeth

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Annabeth. My name is Annabeth.

That was her first thought inside that darkened, smelly box.

She didn't believe for one second the false identity implanted in her brain. Anne. She was Annabeth and there was no changing it.

Annabeth got up slowly, feeling her way around the box. Beside the continuous clanking and grinding of the chains, she could hear nothing else. She thought her ears would explode if she were trapped in the box any longer. Her hands moved over a cold hard thing and she immediately picked it up. Bronze light shone off the metal blade of the dagger, illuminating Annabeth's face, making her look like a bronze-colored ghost. The dagger triggered something in Annabeth but she couldn't quite put her hand on it, short and sharp, it carried a definite sense of warmth in that dingy old box.

But all of a sudden, the warmth dissipated away with the rest of her memories, leaving that sickeningly empty darkness she felt every second.

Even then, Annabeth didn't panic. She didn't cry, she didn't scream, she stood there, mind racing like it was running in a marathon.

Why was she sent here? Why was her memories taken away? And what would be awaiting her at the end of this trip?

The more she thought, the more absurd her situation seemed to be. From the muddy goo of her memory, she was certain of one thing.

She was smart, and she would never rest till she figured things out.

Half an hour later, or maybe it was several hours as far as Annabeth could tell, the box came to a sickening clank. She waited, hands clutching the dagger tight, expecting a monster to jump out of the darkness at any time.

A monster. She thought. Where had that come from?

A grinding noise snapped Annabeth from her thoughts and a shred of light came peering into the box. After so long a time in the darkness, she wasn't accustomed to the sudden, blinding strip of light that was growing bigger and bigger with every passing second, still, Annabeth stubbornly refused to put her head down.

At first, she didn't see anything, blinding white light hit her from all angles and Annabeth shouted with all the force she could muster, holding out her dagger in synch with her words.

"Who are you?"

Indistinctive snickers came from above and Annabeth blinked furiously to adjust to the lightness of it all.

"Oh she's got fire!"

"How come she's got a knife?"

"Shut it you stick."

"Answer my question!" The fog in front of Annabeth was slowly clearing and she could make out figures standing above her. Girls. About forty of them. Crowed around her. Looking down at her.

"Answer me!" Annabeth felt her throat tore at the last word, something inexplicable was taking place in her heart. She felt no anger, no fear, nothing. All that was left was a cold stark emptiness, like she'd never feel anything again.

Silence fell at her words, all the girls were staring down at her, like she was some kind of crazed person. Finally, someone spoke up.

"Not yet, greenie, not yet."

The girl who had spoken threw down a rope, as if she expected Annabeth to take it. Annabeth did, with one hand clasped tightly around the rope, the other on her dagger, she was hoisted up by several girls.

"Who are you?" Her voice came out deep and raspy, and Annabeth almost didn't' recognize it as her own.

The girl, apparently the leader around here sighed, her multi-colored eyes glinting in the afternoon light.

"My name's Piper stick, and you'd' better low down your silly dagger before you cut someone's eye out."

Author's Notes
So there's the first chapter, demigods in the Maze! I for one am excited about writing this, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks!


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