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Sophie Jackson is a Junior in Lincoln High school. She is your average, A student. Sophie and her cousin Danny, we're driving to school in his truck.
"Senior year, are you excited?" Sophie asked Danny.
"Yeah you can say that but there's a lot of pressure. Everyone is counting on me to bring us to states and..." Sophie interrupted him by making a snoring sound.
"Haha funny!" Danny said still stressing out about senior year.
"Relax Danny. You are smarter than anyone I know and you are the best quarterback this school has ever had." Sophie said. Which was true because he is also A student and before he transfer to Lincoln, they hadn't won a football game since her dad went there and now they are undefeated. After what Sophie said, Danny started to relaxed a little.
They were on their way pick up Clare and Nicki, who had a sleepover/last day of summer party. Sophie decide not to join them, because she hates party. They both got in the car screaming, "First day of school!" Nikki kissed Danny on the cheek and said, "Hi, boyfriend."
She turns to Sophie and Clare said, " I never thought I would say this but I'm dating a senior!" They all started to laugh at her.

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