Tainted Rose: A Wattpad Sentence Game

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Thanks To:

NatashaSharma, HinagikuAthenaKatsur, catherinediamond, YoungAndLazy, agirlnamedmay, Sekani, forgottennever, thoreal, Pumpkin64, ThatShyGirl22, and Bloodrequiem for contributing!

The day I found out my brother's soul mate was none other than Dean Parks, I cried myself to sleep that night with Rosetta by my side. It felt as if my life was falling apart, thread by cursed thread. I didn't want to move, didn't want to face the truth. It was like everything that I was ever given had been taken away from me. My whole body felt too heavy to even move.

How could he betray me?

Anger started to build up in me and then I punched a wall. Rosetta tried to calm me, but I was too far gone. Deep in the depths of depression, I considered ending it all. Though many years have passed, my heart still remains scarred. 

I haven't seen my brother, Alistair, since, but I got an invitation to their wedding ten years ago. It's been a long 10 years not seeing him; it made my heart ache to see my brother again. Every time i pick up the phone, i end up putting it back down again. But then the day came when the phone call came for me, and it was my turn to answer for the silence that had stung between us the past years.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, wary of what Al wanted.

"Long time, no see" He said icily "It's been how long since we've seen each other? A good ten years" He continued, adding a false laugh at the end.

"How's Dean?" I replied just as coldly, "Are you divorced yet?"

"Don't call her that, it's Dina" he spat back at me "and no, but I can't say the same for you"

"She was Dean once." I replied, "I hope you know that. And Rosie's dead, smart one."

"You're lying, don't lie to me like that" his voice started to crack "My Dina was never a Dean! You Liar!" he paused then said, “Maybe Rosie's dead because she couldn't bare the idea of a lifetime with you."

I let out a small gasp, but covered it up with a small growl.

"My Rosie didn't have a choice to leave me. You're Dean did," I retorted.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Anyhow, can we meet? There's something I would like to discuss with you"

I could hear the voice turning weak on the other side.

What is this?

"There's always something you'd like to discuss isn't there?" I snapped "But fine make it quick, I want the ordeal to be over as soon as possible. Day, Time and place?"

"Right now." he said urgently.

"I'll be there." I said as I cut the call.

I stopped by the phone when I realized that I didn't know where to meet. Then a thought popped up in my head. It's probably the place that we would play when we were children. It was just downtown.

I almost fell over on my way out, caught up in what had just happened.

Stupid, why do I suddenly act like I care? I told myself and slowed down.

"Hey, Ben!" a neighbor greeted when I got out the door, "Where you off to?"

"Just...going to the post office. I got a package yesterday and I couldn't wait to go get it" the words tumbled out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying.

Tainted Rose: A Wattpad Sentence GameWhere stories live. Discover now