Chapter One: Unlucky Night

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Chapter One: Unlucky Night

“Alright, Matt. See you tomorrow!” I waved at my fellow barista, who was busy fixing up a Caramel Frappuccino for his customer.

He turned his head slightly, flashing me a smile while he poured the drink into the plastic cup. “Goodnight, Sol!”

I went out to the sidewalk, the door shutting behind me with a little clink of the bells sitting on top. Since I didn’t have my car, I would have to go on foot back home, which was about five miles from here. Adjusting the bag on my shoulder, I began my trek through the streets.

The night was still and fog seemed to loom over my head, refusing to leave my side. No other sound came, just that of my footsteps echoing against the concrete. Since I was on the somewhat rough part of town, only one lone streetlight provided illumination, and barely allowed me to see where I was going. A chill ran through my bones as a rogue gust of wind fluttered my hair, and I wrapped the plum-colored scarf tighter on my neck.

I continued to walk down the street, occasionally turning my head for any sign of life around here. It was strangely quiet and solitary, which was quite rare for a section which was known for its night life. Gathering my black coat closer around me, I scanned the area carefully. No one seemed to arise from the dark corners, yet I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that someone was watching me from their hiding spot. I turned my head slightly, hoping to catch sight of my pursuer without them noticing.


Maybe it was just me being paranoid, since it was quite late and dark, but a small part of me, the intuitive one, insisted that I was right. This was the consequence for staying late at work without a car. Rather stupid, if you tell me.

Making sure to survey my surroundings, I remained my walk on the sidewalk. I silently prayed that I would approach the main street in less time, which would provide me with the safety of a crowd.

Well, tonight was my unlucky night.

I was striding past an alley when someone snatched my arm, slamming me against their body, and ensnaring my waist with their other arm. They dragged me into the side of the building and rammed me against the wall, making my head collide with the brick. Their breath was sickly hot against my neck, and I bit my lip, trying not to cry and scream for mercy. I wouldn’t allow them that satisfaction. 

“Looks like tonight’s my lucky night.” A deep voice drawled.

I began to wriggle around in attempt to become free. There was no way in hell I was going to allow this deprived motherfucker have me without a fight. I was able to loosen one of my arms, and immediately used it to elbow him in the stomach.  Once he let me go, I slammed the heel of my palm into his face, hearing the satisfying crack of his nose. Blood began to rush out of his nostrils like a faucet, falling on the floor and his clothes.

“You bit―”

I didn’t allow him the chance to finish and grabbed his shoulders, then jammed my knee between his legs. He let out a threatening growl as he doubled over and cupped his injured genitals. I began to turn around when a fist came sailing towards my face, and struck me harshly on the jaw. I staggered until my back hit the cold brick wall of the building behind me.

“You are going to pay for that, sweetheart.” His voice came out menacing as he advanced on me, taking slow steps.

My assaulter regarded me as if he were a hungry beast, and I his dinner. I turned away from him, and looked for any chance of escape, but there was none. I refocused my attention to him just as he fell to the floor, absolutely unconscious. He was replaced by a new looming figure, who was completely dressed in black. I could barely make out his features, except for his bright wild turquoise eyes. 

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