Sheltered Rabbit in a Devil's Ballroom

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Hellow 'w', Please dont critizice me harshly if there will be wrong grammars and spelling because im not good in english since Im a pure filipino and I dont own the anime only the fanfic

enjoy! :)


Third Person's POV

KuroUsagi looked at the mirror, She was wearing a elegant blue frilly sleveless gown and a pair of blue pumps to match, her hair was tied in a elegant messy bun which was putted to perfection by Asuka and Yo, she sighed as she putted a blue flower with blue gems in her hair and looked at the window and there she saw many demons dancing and spotted Asuka and Yo at the table...' those two have to open up and interact to other people' she thought as the two rejected anyone who wanted to dance with them,'Okay, Its time to go out' she said, She, Shiroyasha and the problem children were invited to a ball by Maou Lucifer for killing the Maou who almost killed him,unfortunately Shiroyasha cant come,As she walked down the stairs...the demons complimented her which she replied with 'Thank you' as soon as she spotted her friends, she went to them,Asuka spotted her and said" KuroUsagi, you look fabulous ^^" "Thank you ^^" She replied "It was a right choice putting your hair in a bun" Yo said " Yeah" Asuka said "Where's Izayoi-san?" KuroUsagi asked "There" Yo pointed, KuroUsagi saw Izayoi was wearing a white tux and is dancing with a girl in his age...they were dancing perfectly as the people began to form a circle around them, after the dance...they bowed at each other...the girl kissed Izayoi on the cheek and he did the same, she became angry....she didn't know why either "Im just gonna go outside to get some fresh air" she said as she went to the balcony and hummed a little song...


"Huh? What happened to her?" Izayoi asked as he approached to girls "I dunno"they replied "How bout you talk to her?" Yo suggested "Ok" Izayoi said as he went to the stairs then to the balcony where a certain rabbit was standing "Oi" He called, KuroUsagi looked back and saw Izayoi standing "What are you doing here?" She asked as the boy sat in the edge of the balcony next to KuroUsagi "Checking out on you..cause you seem pretty gloomy" He replied " Shouldn't you be with your girl?" She asked annoyed "Oh is the little rabbit jealous?" He smirked "Heck no!" She said....flustered " Haha....sure sure" He said teasingly "Hey!" She said clearly feeling the boy's sarcasm "Wanna dance?" He offered "Eh?" She said "I said 'Do you wanna dance?'"He repeated...She was speechless "I'll take that as a yes" He said as he pulled the girl...She just danced as she know that Izayoi wouldn't take no as an answer...She was flustered as he putted his hand on her waist and held her hand...she also putted her right hand on the boy's neck, they danced under the broad moonlight with the music 'Canon' by Pachelbell (Courtesy of piano tiles 2  lol)  playing on the background.....
Little did the two know, Four certain people were spying them......It was Yo,Asuka, Jin and Shiroyasha...Asuka noticed Jin and Shiroyasha "I thought you two arent coming" she asked quietly "I cant afford this moment to slide away from my eyes" Shiroyasha said...Yo sweatdropped "She dragged me here and we've been spying you four the whole time" Jin said "Traitor!" Shiroyasha exclaimed "Uhhhh......guys.." Yo tried to shake Jin and as for Asuka...she was white as paper now "Ahem..." A voice  interrupted which made the two stop arguing and look above and saw a Very angry KuroUsagi and a pissed Izayoi "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What was that?" A demon asked his friend "I dunno.....lets just shrug it off" His friend said as they continued their conversation

                       THE END ^^,


Tadah!!!!! Finished ^^

Hope u enjoyed ^^

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