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I awoke to the sight of several beings staring at me. I was suspended in some liquid, unable to move, lines were attached to me and something was covering my face and nose. Terror was the only thing that I could feel. I felt their cold stares pierce me as I tried to stir, as I tried to escape. They quickly moved and the next thing I knew pain shot through my body and everything turned back into darkness.

My world returned once more but my surroundings was different. Even I was different. I grew several inches! My tube was bigger and the room I was in was smaller. Two humans sat in their chairs and monitored several screens. Wires were still hooked up on but new contraptions were on my arms, legs and covered my entire head. One of the humans got up excitedly and started yelling to another human. Immediately the other human rushed over and started punching his fingers against the table. Images and symbols flashed on the screen in front of me. I didn't understand them but they kept speeding by. Then tastes and smells appeared and sensations too. Next came the familiar pain that brought  darkness.

I came too once more to find myself bigger and to a man standing before me. He was average height, bald and a little rotund. He wore a lab coat but it looked like he didn't get any sleep in a week. Yet he vividly stared at me which sent chills down my spine. His smile widen when he noticed me. I don't know how since my face is covered with the same device as before. I felt the same terror when I first awoke when the man started tapping on the glass. I physically tried to squirm away but I couldn't move. A middle aged women came beside of him and started talking to him. He turned toward the control panel and pressed some more buttons. The sensations appeared some of them I knew some I didn't. Images and words flew by and now emotions started to flood my mind. Joy, anger, hate, sadness, disgust and fear. Fear I knew all to well already though. As right on schedule the pain settled in and darkness enveloped my mind.

Time and time again this cycle was repeated. I didn't know how long I was in my tube but it must have been longer than 6 months at least. Well that's what I calculated from observing the scientists. On this day though my teaching devices were removed from me just leaving several wires that measured my heart, brain activity and other biological functions. My breathing apparatus was still attached and continued to pump stale oxygen through my lungs. Again the bald man was there again tapping the glass. Vibrations permeated throughout the liquid carrying it to me. Terror seized me but something else bubbled to the surface, anger. I concentrated on the spot where he was tapping, willing it to stop. Instead though I heard a loud crack and the next I see is a large crack splintering from my tube and the man almost jumping in excitement. He ran over to the instruments and talked to his compatriots. All of them studied the screen fixated on it but I couldn't concentrate for a familiar darkness was creeping in.

I awoke to a new tube and more wires connected to me. I concentrated on other abilities and telepathy emerged. I then found the middle aged woman's name. Sarah. Then darkness.

Time went on as I practiced and practiced my powers. My telepathy became a passive ability that I could turn on and off at will. My telekinetic power also grew but I had to be careful with it. When I read their minds I learned so much. Emotions, experience and knowledge all at my tips. They of course knew this and Sarah tried having conversations with me.  I however blocked her and sifted through her memories. I found out everything from her. That I am an experiment. Just the thousandth try at evolving humanity. One thousand experiments and I the thousandth succeeded. Anger surged within me as I continued to scan through her memories and the others. I will escape was the only thing I thought of.

As time moved on my plan was constructed and fool proof. With my telepathy I will control the scientists and escape this prison. The scientists who monitored me was the easiest to manipulate. I took note of every job each person did or tracked it all down to a tee. It was finally go time.

I once again woke up hopefully the last time in my crypt. Sarah and the other scientists had left leaving the two monitors. I quickly dug into their minds, telling them to turn shut it all down. Which they did. Fail safes, alarms the whole works all off. Once they were done I shattered my tube and everything attached to me. Of course I couldn't control the two scientists and break out at the same time but I didn't need to worry about that. I took my first steps into the world, they were wobbly and I fell  a couple times but I was standing. One of the scientists tried to reach for something but before he could I snapped his neck. The crack broke the still silence that followed my escape. Then all hell broke loose. The other scientists screamed and screaming prompted the others to follow into the room. They stared at me with wide eyes as I ripped her in half. Blood splattered across the room as I savagely killed them. A smile turned to my face but quickly turned to anguish when I felt a similar pain go up my spine. I came crashing to earth like an angel. My body wouldn't move and terror crawled onto me as the bald man walked toward me. Then once more I was taken into the darkness.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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