Pennyboards and Boybands

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Dedicated to the real Fallyn Grace, Mariah Juarez whom I love with all my heart no matter how far the distance is. #nohomo


"You better get going!" My moms voice echoed through the halls.

"YEA, YEA, YEA. IM GOING." I raised my voice over the music that was blasting through my laptop.

As I logged off of tumblr, I rolled off my bed and onto the ground grabbing my penny board close by. I lifted myself and the penny board off the ground, heading towards my desk to grab my jansport backpack and made my way out of my room, through the hall way, out the kitchen, and left the house sliding on my vans.

"Uhm..." I bit my lip, leaving the porch and took out my phone looking at the time. 3:42.

I had to go to my job, Hot Topic in a few minutes. I have been working for Hot Topic for few months, and I got payed just the right money. I had been saving up longer than I have been working there, I even often took double shifts just for one simple thing.

To go to California and see my best friend whom I haven't seen for years.

Fallyn, Fallyn Grace. We've been best friends since fifth grade and sadly I had to move back to my original home ( Hilo, Hawaii. Where I am currently living. ) in the middle of sixth grade. Nothing has been the same without her, we both have been sad for a long period time and I guess that sadness just consumed us. I try my best to be happy, and she does to! Sadly shes worse than me, shes been through a lot and I just wish she was happy. I make a lot of friends and surround myself with happy people and hope they rub off on me. But I guess since the move, my sadness wont go away.

I know how to laugh and truely smile, but sometimes it feels unbearable. The people here are great and its just so lively, I met one of my childhood friends and all my family are here.

I blinked several times realizing that I lost myself in my thoughts again, I looked up and as I kicked of the ground I finally concentrated and saw a guy coming closer.

I squinted noticing that he wasnt coming closer, but I was! I tried to stop the pennyboard by skidding my shoes on the concrete but within seconds I already smashed into the stranger.

• • • •

"Ugh... What happened?" I rubbed my head. Luckily I landed on the grass, and wasnt hurting as much as I thought. I sat up and put my hand back, but to feel human skin.

I looked back and I was leaning on this stranger, I raised my eyebrows and quickly sat up.

"OH MY FUCK, ARE YOU OK. IM SO SORRY." I screamed. I watched him lift himself up to sitting position and he stared at me, and I stared at him.

"Hahaha yea, its all good," he replied with a thick Irish accent that surprised me, he wore a tank and a snapback and was incredibly good looking.

"Um, you're Irish?" I questioned him, grabbing his hand to pull him up. He accepted the offer and stood up.

"Haha yea, do you know who I am?"

"Am I suppose to?"

"No not really," he chuckled.

I stared at him and observed his face. Completely stunning, he was probably the most cutest boy I have ever seen. Wait.... Tumblr... Is he, HOLY SHIT HES HIM.

"Are.... You Niall Horan." My jaw dropped.

"Haha yes. And you are?"

"Raella Ann." I hesitated.

"Well maybe we should come to my apartment and chat," he grinned.

"I- I- I have-." I remembered I had work and I was so close to my goal. But this. This is Niall Horan.

"I have to work." I said more firmly.

"Really? Thats a shame, I was so excited to show the lads this beautiful girl who ran me over." He frowned.

My pennyboard. I reached behind my back to see if my backpack is there. Where... Where are they!? My backpack.

I turned around and searched for my lost items, I caught a glimpse of ny pennyboard. Smashed. On. The. Road. In. Half.

"My board..." My eyes filled with tears, that was the last thing my dad bought me before he died.

I looked across the road to see no cars coming by, so I ran over to my broken penny and picked it of the ground and held in the tears.

"Oh Im so sorry," Niall said in sympathy.

"No, its my fault," I half grinned.

"So about going your house?" I continued, I didnt feel like going to work anyways and I'll just call in sick,

"Right, come with me." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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