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Hello my dear readers, my name is Sky Johnson. This is a story about my life. So, I might as well start from the beginning.
One night when I was 6 years old, I heard a scream coming from my mom and dad's room. I went to see what was wrong, I was only 6 years old I didn't know any better. What I found would haunt me forever.
When I walked in I was hit by a horrible odor, it was like rotten egg dirty diaper combo, it smells like death. I saw my family. They were on the floor covered in blood and stab wounds. To top off this night of hell on the wall written in their crimson blood were the words "Don't Go To Sleep!".
I screamed and sat down on the floor and cried. Until I heard my older sister Alex speak. " Sky.... It's .. Okay.. It is going to be okay, just... call... " Alex stop moving and went dead silent. At the time I believe she told me to call the police, but now I think otherwise. I quickly down 911 and got a lady asking me how can I help you. I told her "help, my family....needs help." She then asked me if I to put my mother or father on the phone. I told her I couldn't and to send help, But she never did. I was in that house FOR FIVE STRAIGHT WEEKS!!! Finally on the last day " help " came. The police officer came in and ask me "Why? Why?" Then he looked at me in absolute horror. All I could do was stare at him in shock. He thought I did this!!!! I thought.
He arrested me and took me to the police station. I know what you're thinking how could this idiot of a cop believe that is 6 year old killed 3 adults. I have no idea how he could think that no idea whatsoever. Well, turns out he wasn't the only one who believed that I killed them. As found guilty of murder and set to a mental hospital for a whopping total 40 years. I spend it actually 12 years the hospital. The lady I called during the 5 weeks of hell finally spoke up. The police finally realizing man made a mistake, realizing they sent an innocent sweet 6 year old to mental asylum for 12 long years. This is where my story truly starts . At the hospital for my looks my black hair, my brown eyes and etc, I earned the nickname Starry Sky.

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