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Okay. I'm just a chick who's in love with Captain America.

Sue me.

I don't own the MARVEL characters, but I love writing with them.

This is just a bunch of one shots depicting Steve Rogers. In most of them he's in a relationship with the reader/ main character. Basically he's already dating or starts dating the "reader" during the one shot.

Some chapters may be just head cannons and ranty Steve stuff.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading the crazy wishes of a fangirl.

(There's no legit Smut shtuff in here, but I will fully detail make out sessions if I feel like it. )

Here's some feelsy Steve quotes.

"I'm 97, I'm not dead"
- Steve Rogers (Winter Soldier)

"Because I'm with you till the end of the line"
- Steve Rogers (Winter Soldier)

" I don't like bullies,
I don't care where they're from. "
- Steve Rogers (the First Avenger)

"Is this a test?"
- Steve Rogers (the First Avenger)

"I might need a rain check on that dance"
- Steve Rogers (the First Avenger)

"I wouldn't do this
if I had any other choice"
- Steve Rogers (Civil War)

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