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Hello! -giggles- this is my uh, book...thingy!

I've never done this before so I hope I'm doing it right.

I'm guessing this book is gonna be about my origin, so I guess I'll tell you about it!

I wasn't exactly born on a certain planet. I was born out of a star, the North Star to be exact! All my life I've been living in space, floating around the millions of galaxies and basically seeing every star that's there. The real galaxy I originate from is the Pixelo X Galaxy (which is the Galaxy up there ^^ ) it's light years away, trust me, humans haven't discovered it yet. Which is a good thing! There's not much of my people left, our population has decreased since a terrible meteor accident that wiped out 89% percent of our population. I however, was lucky to be floating around one of the many galaxies I knew of. I lost my whole family in that accident... It's a horrible tragedy, I know I'll never see them again. But it's alright, I can live. My origin is the Pixcelo's, due to the Pixelo Galaxy, they're not the best but we're pretty nice!

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