Can You Keep A Secret?

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The story of Sampson adapted for children by Hannah Yaawusuah Adjepong

There was once a little boy who was very strong, stronger than all the boys in town. One day he asked his Mummy:

"Mummy? How come I am so strong?

"Can you keep a secret?" asked his Mummy

"A secret? What is a secret?" he asked

"A secret is something you never tell anybody." Said Mummy.

"I don't know Mummy. I'm not sure if I can."

"Then," said Mummy "I will wait until you're older before I tell you why it is important for you to keep a secret, because your life might well depend on it."

When Sampson became a bit older he asked his Daddy.

"Daddy? Why am I so strong?"

"Can you keep a secret?" asked his Daddy.

"A secret? What is the secret? Mummy said I can't tell anyone my secret." said Sampson

"That is right" said Daddy "You must never tell anybody about your secret especially when your life depends on it."

"Why not? Sampson was a bit confused.

"Because if you do you will not be strong anymore and all the bullies will pick on you."

" You mean I will not be able to protect all my friends like I do now?" he asked his Daddy.

"Exactly! You and all your friends will be picked on and you will be as helpless as your friends are.

Sampson thought carefully and said,

"Not yet daddy. I am not sure. Don't tell me yet."

"Wait until you become a teenager." Daddy decided.

When Sampson became a teenager he ran home one day and called to his Mum.

"Mum! Mum! I am going to get a haircut!

His Mum was horrified.

"Why do you want a hair cut?" she asked.

"Because I want to look like all my friends. They have nice haircuts and I want to be like them. And besides, we're all going down the pub to have a drink and meet the girls." He replied.

His Mum knew that it was time he was told the secret.

"Son, I suggest that you wait for your Dad to come home from work because you must be told about your secret."

Sampson said thoughtfully

"But I may get drunk at the pub and tell my secret to my friends."

"No darling. I am sure once you know the secret you will not tell it to anyone." His Mum was concerned so she and Sampson waited till his dad came home. And together his Mum and Dad told him the secret.

"We never had a child of our own. We wished and wished we prayed and prayed. Then one day an angel came to us. He told us that we will have a baby boy who will be very special and strong so that he can protect all his friends from bullies.

 And because he would be very special:

· He must never have his hair cut.

· He must never drink any alcohol.

Can You Keep A Secret?: The Short Story of SamsonWhere stories live. Discover now