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Luna Sharp:

Five years earlier...

Darkness. Everywhere. There was no one in sight, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and the quick pant of my breath. The darkness wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried. No matter what the intense screaming continued.

My hands found their way to my hair and I began tugging at it and screaming. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. Forever and ever, I wanted the ground to swallow me whole.

I began shaking, trembling to the bone as the darkness continued eating me alive along with the distant evil laughs. Tears streamed from my eyes as I continued to pull at my hair and scream.

"Let me go! I don't want this anymore!" I screamed but no one could hear me. I was screaming at the top of my lungs but no one would look up, no one would notice. My knees began to buckle as my whole body got weaker. I then heard a distant call.

"Luna! Luna wake up!" Nash? But I blacked out with one last scream and everything stopped.


My eyes jolted open as I sat up in bed screaming and crying about the nightmare I just experienced. My back arched as tears poured from my eyes. I sat myself up, panting and crying, trying to catch my breath. My bed was wet from sweat, my room was dark and cold and the only light was coming from the moon. I was alone.

Or that's what I thought.

As I pulled my knees up to my chest I felt someone sit next to me. A hopeful smile etched onto my face. I turned around to see a boy. With messy dark hair and bright blue eyes.

"Nash!" I whisper/shouted, throwing myself at him. I pulled him into my arms. I felt his breath against my shoulder as he hugged me tight. He smelt and felt the exact same way as I saw him last. I pulled away and he smiled at me.

I pushed away the falling hairs from his face and rested my hands on his small cheeks. He was definitely the most handsomest twelve year old boy I'd ever seen.

"I missed you..." He said, leaning into my small hands, his cheeks were so soft. I gave him a small smile.

"I missed you too Nash." I said pulling him in from another hug. It was sad.

Nash had been my best friend since I was three years old. Through everything he was there for me, through all my ups and downs. When I tried to introduce him to my parents at the age of six it confused me because Eventhough he was standing right next to me. They couldn't see him.

I had, had other friends before. They came to my house and we would play, but they were never as fun as Nash. When I tried to get my friends to say hi to Nash. They said: "how can you say hi to someone that's not there?" Which again confused me.

Because I could see Nash. I could touch him, feel him, hear him, smell him. Just like I could with any other person. And I was confused as to why I could only do that.

It was then on my tenth birthday I realised that Nash was only mine. I took into consideration that he was mine forever and that he would always come before anyone else no matter what. At this point I still believed he was real. But I learnt more as I got older.

"Nash your gonna stay longer than last time...right?" I asked him, pulling away. My brown eyes locking with his crystal blue ones. He sighed and frowned.

"Luna, your thirteen next week. A teenager. You know I won't be able to stay forever." He said. This was the sad part. I had been seeing less and less of Nash as I got older. When I was younger I saw him every day. When I turned ten I saw him maybe only a few times a week.

When I turned eleven I saw him once a week. And now that I'm twelve I see Nash maybe a couple of times a month. It upsets me, because it's like he's fading away, I don't want him to leave me. He only comes really when I need him most.

We don't play like we used to, we would just talk and cuddle then he would leave again and I'd have to pretend I never knew him.

"Nash I turn thirteen next week. I'll see you at my birthday right?" Nash had been to every birthday of mine without fail and had always brought me a secret gift. But this time I had a deep feeling that he wouldn't show.

"Maybe. I have to go now though." He said standing to his feet. I got up to and came round the bed to him. He was only a little bit taller than me. He looked down at me, his hair falling in his face a little bit making me giggle. I pushed it out the way just like I normally did.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms round me. His heart was beating incredibly fast and I worried me. It was like he was scared or anxious about something. He pulled away and kisses my head, my stomach erupted in butterflies. I had mega feelings for Nash have done ever since I met him. And he still doesn't know.

I hope he will come to my birthday, because then I could tell him and then maybe he would stay a little longer than he usually does now.

"Goodbye Nash." I said pulling him in for another hug. This was my tightest one, because I probably wouldn't see him for a while after this.

"This is definitely goodbye." He whispered. I was confused. He never said anything like that when we departed. He hugged me tight and then five seconds later I looked down to find my arms wrapped around myself. I was hugging myself now.

I sighed and walked over to my window and sat on the window seat. I missed how we would sit and watch the stars together. My feelings for Nash were surreal and Eventhough he can make me happy he can make me sad to.

There's one problem with having feelings for Nash...

He's not real.

Hello everyone! So this is my new book, I have never written something like this before so it will be a big challenge but I hope you guys will like it! Of course this is a collab acc and I'm on here with 5 other people who are amazing writers so please make sure to check them out.

Also thanks so much for the story idea @iamnateslilmama !!

Thankyou for reading. I really hope you enjoy this as much as I do. :)

-em / johnsonslilbaby xx

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