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She was beautiful, curly hair, pale flawless skin, and a beautiful smile. Her curly hair colored mint green the length reaching half way down her back. Brown eyes with flecks of green that sparkled in the sunlight. Many people thought of her as a girl who had everything she could possibly want, highest GPA in her class, many many friends, and of course the captian of the football team as her boyfriend. But Annabelle's life was anything but perfect. Yeah on the outside she had everything , wonderful friends, boyfriend, family. But on the inside, her own thoughts reaked havoc. No one outside of her family knew about what tortured her every minute of everyday. Annabelle Lee suffers everyday with many different mental illnesses, manic depression, social anxiety, and OCD that practically controlled her when not on medication. No one at school knew about her illnesses except for her counselor. Annabelle Lee had anything but a perfect life, but no one needed to know that.

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