Road Trip

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Sam's POV

My 21rst birthday was in a week or so. Maya Augustin, My best friend, had this big plan she thought I didn't know about. I just knew it was just a plan so far, something for my birthday. Living In New York City was slowly killing me sometimes, and so was university. I'm studying to be a doctor, and ugh. Just.So.Much.Work.To.Do. Oh, I'm Samantha Elliot.


That was my phone. I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hiya Sam! Meet me in front of the north campus at 3pm!" Maya simply said.

"Okay...." And then she hung up. That was weird.

Maya's 22 years old, and sometimes I think she acts like a mysterious child. Hahaha, maybe. We have two other best friends, 23 year-old Micheal Adams, and 21 year-old Christopher Smith. I've heard them talking about going to "casino", but I have no idea what casino they're thinking of going to, or when.

"SAM!" Micheal screamed behind me.

"Hi Mic, I'm right here."

"Oh, sorry, didn't see ya there."

I laughed. Micheal's always funny. He was looking right at me.

"It's fine," I said, still giggling.

"Come On!" Micheal said, dragging me. WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO WEIRD?!

As we arrived to where I was being brutally dragged, I saw Chris and Maya's feet, under this huge van.

"HEY SAM!" Maya hollered at me.

"Could someone please, explain what the hell is going on right now?!"

"Well," Chris started "we're taking you on a road trip to Las Vegas for your birthday. Get in, we have your stuff."

"What? How? When? Why? But.. er.. school... and... er... I'm not 21 yet!"

"Why, why do you think we did this near your 21rst birthday?" Maya said, slightly annoyed. Being besy friends for years on end made me quickly notice how annoyed or mad she was getting.

"Okay, okay, sorry. So, when do we leave?"

"Now! Get In!" Chris said as he climbed into the driver's seat. Maya was in the passenger seat, and Micheal and I got in the back.

And then, what was probably going to be the worst nightmare of my life, began.

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