Truth be told

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  • Dedicated to Sunshines :)


  Hello, I am Mr. Niall James Horan's nanny. I have been his nanny for 5 years now, for his two kids, Edward, age 5, and Rebecca, age 2.

  Let me introduce myself. My name is Stephanie, but people call me Steph. I am 28 years old, 2 years younger than Mr. Horan. I am from the mid-west, in America. I also secretly have feelings for Niall but I feel guilty because of what happened to Caroline.

   Caroline was Niall's wife, she passed away while giving birth to Rebecca. She was always so kind.  After her death I started getting more and more feelings towards Mr. Horan. I felt really guilty because I was really close friends with Caroline.

Anyway, today was a great day. 

I woke up to hear Edward saying "Steph, wake up" 

I replied with  "Aw, your just like your father"

I got downstairs to see Mr. Horan reading the paper and drinking his tea. "Um, Mr. Horan what would you like for breakfast"

"Just some bacon and eggs" Replied Mr. Horan

I started to get out the eggs and bacon. After I finished cooking them I went upstairs to go get Ed and Rebecca. Then we all ate breakfast at the table. About half an hour later Mr. Horan went off to work. Mr. Horan writes songs and sings.

Then I got Ed off to school. "Bye Ed, enjoy school."

Today was the day that I had to go shopping for groceries, so me and Rebecca got in the car and headed to the store. Mr. Horan loved to eat hearty foods, so we needed to purchase a lot of food.

Even though I am a nanny I also cook and clean. It is a very stressful job. After shopping we got home and I put away the food. Rebecca was really tired, so I put her in her bed so she could sleep. While she slept I cleaned the house.

Mr. Horan's house is not really hard to clean, he has 5 bedrooms, his bedroom, Ed's, Rebecca's, Mine and a guest bedroom. He also has 5 bathrooms, and a kitchen, and a living room. This may seem big, but for a famous person this isn't that big.

I was done cleaning, so now I had to start making dinner, it was nearly 4pm. But before I started cooking,  I went to get Ed from his bus stop. Whenever I go outside there is always paparazzi, because Mr. Horan is quite famous.

"How was school?" I asked Ed.

"It was so fun."


Whenever Ed got home 9 times out of 10 he would help me cook.

"Ed, what do you think you want to make for dinner today?"

"Chicken and Potatoes and Corn!"

"Ok, Ed."  I replied

"Can you get out the potatoes for me, and the corn?"

"Sure Steph"

I got out the chicken, and started cooking it. While it was cooking, I got a pot, filled it with with water and put the corn in it. Then the chicken was done, I heated up the potatoes. I put four plates on the tables and filled them with food.

I got Rebecca and brought her downstairs to get ready to eat.

"Ed, come to the table your father will be home soon"

Mr. Horan walked into the house and his kids came running to him.

"DAD!" "DA DA!"

His kids really love him. We all sat down to eat. I sat next to Rebecca to help her eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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