Hetalia x Neko!Reader

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You walk around town alone,once again you had been chased out of a local pet store for being half-breed.It wasn't your fault you were half breed! you were what you were.You spot a local 'No kill' Adoption shelter just across the street,You roll around in some mud to look dirty then switch into cat mode ( Sure, you could of switched to cat mode THEN,rolled in the mud,but how much fun is that?) your (F/C) fur was dirty and covered in mud and you put on the saddest looking cat face you could,(you've done this a few times, being half-breed shelter and food isnt easy to come by...) You walk up to the door andpaw at the door enough for man to come out and look at you,his eyes were closed,that was weird,he had shiny brown hair and a curl sticking out on the left side of his head,time to work you magic!!! You look up at him and put on a show and go "Mew~"


I looked down at the cute litte kitten at the door and pick her up, "Ve~ doitsu!" I yell to germany "Look at this kitten! it is-a so cute!!" Doitsu and I were looking at kittens after I begged him to let me buy one."Zhat is ze one you vant?" he asked.

"Yup,Ve~" I answered




"Yes Doitsu! can I have her?pleasssee!!!" I made a desprate face so he would let me keep her, it worked too! "Fine,but you must take care of it! don't expect me to it that for jou."

"YAYY! thanks doitsu!Ve~!" Since we found the kitten and it wasn't at the shelter she was free!

"Ve~just wait bella! You will be at you're new home soon!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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