PAGE 1: General Conspiracy Theories.

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My Theory:
I think that without being a junkie, Sherlock can be nowhere near as clever as he is when he's "on a case." Although he promised to his beloved John "never on a case." I think that Sherlock uses drugs on cases all the time, just overdosing when it comes to the really hard ones. Sherlock, i think, relapsed when John left to live with Mary, and didn't know how to continue life without John in his routine - he felt emotion and didn't know how to deal with it so he turned towards drugs. Something Sherlock doesn't like is change - and this is where the traits of mild Autism come in.
This subject may be a little touchy, so I'm gonna go ahead and pop a little


So, another of my theories is that Sherlock had quite mild Autism, hence showing some of the traits with it. Not everybody with mild Autism or Aspergers show these traits, but some of the following are common:

1. Change.

Sherlock doesn't like change very much, hence the fact he notices anything even when it has only made the slightest movement and then he oft moves it back again. He also, however, has a contradictory trait which shows in the episode where John had moved out "The Empty Hearse." Sherlock does not like unnecessary items in the London flat - maybe why he got rid of John's chair, since he wasn't there anymore.

2. Unable to comprehend Emotion.

As you can quite tell, Sherlock deems himself as a Sociopath. Maybe because others have in the past, or perhaps he means it as a self-deprecating comment, or considerably, even a compliment to himself. However, we know all too well how he grapples (or rather doesn't) the feelings of Empathy and Sympathy - two common emotions often hard to comprehend with Autistic people. 

Having a Psychologist for a mother and someone with mild Autism for an extremely close friend (more like a brother, considering I practically live with him.) I wouldn't want anybody to think of this as offensive for whatever reason - Both my mother and I have the same conspiracy theories about Sherlock Holmes .


translate this piece of text in Portuguese, and tell me what it says, and what Fanfic it comes from:

Ryan estava ajoelhado na banheira, com uma toalha embaixo de seus joelhos e outra abaixo de suas mãos, sua cabeça virou para ver Brendon trabalhando. O mais novo mexeu a colher na (não tão pequena) bacia antes de pôr o liquido na abertura da bolsa, e descansá-la na bancada.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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