chapter 1

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The vampires have taken over. Right now they are searching every building for children. I, like everyone else, am hiding under my bed.

Then I hear footsteps and a vampire walk in. I freeze, I'm even too scared to breathe. The vampire walks around and checks my closest. After that he heads for the door. He almost walked out but then he stopped and looked under the bed.

"I found you~," he said. This vampire had red hair in the front and black in the back. Then then grabs my arm and pulls me out.

"Noo," I scream as tears roll down my cheek.

"Hey stop squirming," he commands. He throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walks out of the house.

"Hello Krul. I found one," he red head said.

"Oh good. Put it with the rest," a female said.

"Hum I think I'll keep this one," he tells her.

"Crowley you can't just keep one. It's not a pet, it's livestock ... *sigh* there's no point in fighting with you. Either way you're going to have her. Fine you can keep that human," she sighs.

"Thanks Krul."

He then takes me to his mansion and it's huge.

"Welcome back Crowley," two female said. One was blonde and the other had blue hair, but they both had big breasts.

"I'm back Horn, Chess," Crowley said.

"What is that?" Horn asks.

"This is ... um what's your name," he asks me while putting me down.

When he sets me down, I turn around and make a dash for the door, but I didn't make it very far because of his vampire speed. He picks me up with lightning speed and holds me bridal style.

"Hey now no need to be in such a rush. You'll be living with me now," he says. "I'm Crowley Eusford. The blue haired one is Chesse Belle and the blonde one is Horn Skuld. Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm ... Miki," I mumble.

"Miki huh. That's a cute name," he exclaims. "Now let me show you to your room. Will you walk with me or do I have to carry you?"

"I'll walk."

"Good." Crowley sets me down and heads upstairs.

After passing what felt like a hundred doors, Crowley finally stopped in front of one. "Here we are," he said opening the door.

We set inside and it looks beautiful. There's a big bed and pale pink curtains. "This was a guest room, but it's better if it's your room."

I gave him a puzzled look.

"Ah this room is right next to my room," he explains.

"Ehh," I said shocked. 'How am I going to escape now,' I thought.

"This way you can't escape. Oh and my office is right across the hall," he says with a big smile.

'He's a mind reading demon,' I thought.

Owari No Seraph: Forbidden Love (Crowley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now