That's What We Are; Siblings

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In a few months, my father is getting married. Until then, he'll be overseas, so he's suggested I go to live with my soon-to-be brothers. I just know it's going to be awkward though, because there's 13 of them, and I'm the only girl.

"Mei! Mei!"
I sigh, and look down at my pet squirrel, Juli. "What is it, Juli?"
"We're almost there! You need to make sure to be careful, ok?" He says, baking his tiny fists up.
I giggle. "I know, Juli. But they're going to be my brothers, so I don't think I'll have to worry much, right?" I say, smiling.
A few more minutes go by, and I get off the bus. Looking down at the address on the paper my father gave me, Juli starts jumping on my head. "Mei! Mei! Watch where you're going!"
I look up from the paper, just before I bump into somebody from behind. "O-oh, sorry...!" I say, backing up.
He turns around, and looks down at me. "You must be (Name). I'm Natsume, one of your brothers-to-be." He says, extending a hand.
I smile, and shake it. "Oh...! It's wonderful to meet you!"
Natsume looks shocked, before smiling. "You're a very cheerful person."
"Huh? Oh, I guess I am...!" I laugh.
"Natsu-onii, are you hogging our new imōto-chan all to yourself?"
I look behind Natsume, and see a taller man dressed like a monk, coming towards us, open armed. When he reaches us, he pulls me in for a huge hug. "H-hello...!"
He pulls away after a moment, smiling. "I'm Kaname, the third oldest son. I see you've already met Natsu-onii."
"Ah, y-yes... It's great to meet you, Kaname!" I say, smiling back.
"It's my pleasure. Anyways, you should come in and meet the others." Kaname says, taking me by the hand.
"Well, I'll see you later." Natsume says, waving as he walks away.
"N-Natsume...? Where is he going?" I ask Kaname.
"Natsu-onii lives in a different building than us. Don't worry, you'll see him again soon." He says, pulling me along.
"Juli! Come on!" I call out to Juli, who is sitting on the fence, looking curious. He quickly hops onto my shoulder before I get too far away, and gets close to my ear.
"Mei, be careful around this one... I don't like the looks of him one bit." Juli whispers.
"Who's this little guy?" Kaname asks. "Is he your pet?"
Juli hisses, and swats at Kaname.
"Juli!" I cry. "Stop that!"
Kaname backs away from Juli. "Ah, that's ok. He doesn't know me yet. He'll be better once he gets to know me, right?"
I sigh. "Oh, I hope so..."
We go inside, and meet someone on their way out. "Where are you off to, Hikaru?" Kaname asks.
"Oh, just going to do a little shopping..." Hikaru says, smiling, then looking down at me. "Who's this? Could you be (Name)?"
I nod, and Kaname puts a hand on my shoulder. "Yes. (Name), this is Hikaru, the fourth oldest son."
My eyes go wide. "SON?!" I shout. "Oh! S-sorry...!!" I quickly apologize. "I-it's just that..." I look at Hikaru's makeup, long orange hair, red nails, and pretty purple dress.
Hikaru laughs. "That's alright! I dress like this on purpose!"
"Oh..." I didn't dare ask why.
"Anyways, I'll be back later!" And with that, Hikaru leaves.
"Don't worry," Kaname says, taking my hand again. "He's the only one that dresses like a woman."
We laugh, and get in the elevator. When we get to the floor where the living room is, I look around with my mouth wide open. "It's huge...!" I cry.
Kaname chuckles. "Hey everybody! (Name)'s here!"
A second later, a few guys come around the corner. "Oh wow..." I whisper.
Just then, Juli hops off of my shoulder, and stands in front of me, hissing at the boys. "Stay away from Mei!!" He squeaks.
"Hello, (Name). My name is Azusa. It's nice to meet you." One of the guys say, smiling. He looks down at Juli. "If this your pet?"
"Um, yeah..." I say, kneeling down to Juli. "Juli, why don't you go and explore...?" He sighs, and scampers away.
"Remember to be careful Meiiiiiiii!!" He yells as he leaves.
I laugh, and stand up straight again. "Sorry about that...!"

Brothers Conflict Kaname And Tsubaki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now