Chapter One~Angel Savant

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     It was a long time before the Angels learned to trust humans; an even longer time for them to ask them for favors. The decision to do so was wise, for they knew neither could exist without the other. But what neither of them had anticipated, were the savants, also known as witches, born from their dependence. Savants made of speed and grace, and with magic like no other. Their magic could almost be compared to the Angels.
     No human or savant could equal an Angel in any way. The way they talk, moved, and even spoke their spells was unearthly. Fluid in a way.
Savants began to evolve, becoming stronger, even more faster, beautiful, and more efficient in magic. Slowly they began to reach the bar of what it means to be an Angel.
     Eventually a boy came onto the scene. His magic was strong and fast, his reflexes and memory sharp and honed to a point. He was almost better than a low ranking Angel.
     No human had ever accomplished this. But it came to no surprise that he wasn't a human at all.
     He was a savant and Angel mix. His mother being the savant, and Angel being the father. Nobody ever found out who they were however. Savants, humans, and Angels had to take his word for it.
     It was a long time before people gave his kind a name. Angel Savant. A mix of two powerful races, with the better traits of the two.
      It was an even longer time before this race found out they could fly-

     "Bonnie!" A voice called, interrupting my reading of the required rec book assigned in Comp. "Don't be boring, cmon!" 
     With an irritated huff, I went over to my window. I knew that voice anywhere, but I still felt like I needed to check. It's a pet peeve of mine, not knowing exactly who's out there.
     "Bonnie!" Gabby waved from my window, practically squishing her face against the glass. "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
     I flicked the windowpane. "Go through the door like a normal person" I said, laughing as I walking back over to my bed where the history book lay.
     Gabby pouted, then pressed her lips against the glass. "But I'm not normal," her words came through garbled and twisted, so it sounded like "bush um nah nahml"
     "Speak without your face to the glass, I don't understand smoosh" I smiled at her, sticking my tongue out and pressing my finger against my nose.
      "Ha ha very funny," she said, her face un-smooshed. "Can I come in?"
     I pointed at the front of the house. "Through the door, sure." I said, swiveling my head back to the book I was supposed to be studying.
     "Ugh, why do you make me do this." She whined, turning away from the window and walking away, presumably to the front door. As she walked away, I couldn't help watching her sway. Gabby was pretty, in a love-me-mortal way. Her long dark purple hair floated behind her as she huffed away, and her sandal clad feet stomped the ground like a warrior against an enemy.
     It was highly entertaining to watch, though you'll never hear me say that to her; her ego would swell to the size of a Chrysler building.
     "Makin me freakin walk to the front of her freakin house when she could just freakin let me in through the freakin window" she muttered, kicking off her sandals in the doorway of my room. She dragged her bare feet over my carpeted floor and landed with an oof on my desk by the window.
     Stifling a laugh I looked up at her "aw did the whittle princess have to walk to the door?" I cooed at her.
     "You little-" she lunged at me from my desk, and launched herself on me. I attempted to catch her while not falling to the floor, and I failed spectacularly.
     We fell to the floor in a tangle of limbs and laughter, our high pitched giggles loud and obnoxious.
      "God dam- Bronwyn, shut up!" My housemate came stomping in, only to falter after seeing Gabby and me tangled up on the floor. "What's going on here?" His eyes flickered between us.
     Another round of giggles followed his question.
      Rolling his eyes, he held his hands up in front of him. "Nevermind, I don't even wanna know," he turned, but stopped himself. "Gabby," a mischievous twinkle was in his eye, "didn't know you swing that way, way to go Bronwyn," he winked at me, and smiled evilly at our flushed faces. Almost immediately Gabby tried to untangle herself from our mess of body parts.
      Winking as her back was turned, Kanen held up a thumbs up to me, them laughed as he walked away.
       "Sorry Bonnie, forgot he was here," Gabby laughed, finally untangled from me.
      I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her, dragging myself back onto my bed. "You started it, Gabby," I stretched. "Now I feel like a fruit roll-up." I grinned at her.
      "How can you even-" she stood up, and walked to my room door, "stop being a dickface and help us study Kanen, or we all could fail! You're in the same boat as us!" She shouted down the hallway.
     "Make me!" Came the expected response.
     "You little- I'm gonna come over there and punch you, don't tempt me," she screeched. Gabby absolutely loathed it when people said "make me".
     "Come over here and fight like an Angel, human!" He shouted back.
     A startled silence filled my room. Even I was quiet. I tried to muffle my giggle into my hand, but it didn't work well.
     Gabby looked back at me, mouth open in an 'o', and looked back out the hallway. "Oh, you little soggy lampshade, you'll regret that!" She stormed off to his room, sounding as angry as a wasp, but looking as harmless as a bunny. When she was gone I let loose the giggles I'd been keeping inside.
So much for the Savants deadliest warriors. I laughed to myself.
Time to go back to studying, this was going to take a while...

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