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falling and love salt and water some more than others but to all above:

the curiosity killed the cat for it fell

it fell for another with a hook ready to rip

open a novel of heaven and hell

the thirst for a story slicks the slope

but both of you can only hope

one day you know that thirst

will be full or the well will dry

and you have to know

you weren't the first 

to know why

between the lines of what they are and what they show

the shift from a slope to a clearing is sudden

fear of fear of change sees deceleration as a crumbling

of feelings of curiosity of thirst of hope when you know its comfort 

curiosity killed the cat

and satisfaction brought it back

satisfaction in the death

of curiosity and the birth of assurance

the creation of confidence in that grassy

field you now occupy

when all you knew was ice's adrenaline

salt on the grass melts the slick ice slope

creates water to dewdrop grass

the death of an exciting, familiar place you were falling in until you knew all there was to know

now that you know the slope's end

the hard shell of her exterior cracks full

full of honey salt blood and water

the growing trees harbor houses 

the stable, seemingly boring, plain

grows on you

you heart slows getting up from the sledding hill

think you're dying but you're not, you're

you know her

her life her story her falling her love

you meet her in the middle

shake the show from her hair

you know her

her mouth speaks stories, you know

her eyes scream, you know

this flat field grows life

no fault you met here

no mistake no regret no fight nothing to worry nothing to destroy nothing

let the house be stable

let the trees spread roots

let her be home

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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