I Meet A Girl

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My eyes shoot wide open, my breath is shaky and my heart is racing. I just woke up from the same noght mare I had been having for months now.

It always starts out the same a reassuring feminine figure leading ne through a dark forest when suddenly something starts chasing us. The monster would chase us to a dark pit.

"Its time to return home my queen." It would say before shoving me into the dark abyss.

"What does it mean?..." I say as I sit in silence.

It doesn't last for long though note a moment later my parents come bursting through the door.

"Happy Birthday!" They yell.

They hand me a cupcake woth the number 16 on it. I close my eyes and blow out the candle.

"What did you wish for?" My mom asks nervously.

"Its a secret."

She just nods and walks out my dad following behind her.

"That was weird."

I get up and get ready for school. I put on a pair of bla k skinny jeans and a sex pistols tee. I grab my jacket and head out the door.

I make it to school with plenty of time to spare. I was going to be showing the new girl around school today. I walk inside and wait near the principal's office.

A few minutes later... she got there. Her snow white skin glowed in the dim light of the hall, her big round eyes were as red as blood. Her beautiful long hair was as white as snow with a single small braid that framed the left side of her face.. Her long black gown flowed down to the floor and trailed behind her. She wore The most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was a black spiderweb lace choker with several dagger made of silver and black diamonds dangling around her neck... She was beautiful.

She sees me and smiles wide, showing off her slightly pointed teeth.

" You must be zhe girl showing me around." She says with a silky voice. "But zhey never told me you vould be so beautiful." She says as she gently kisses my hand.

She stands up. "My name is Rose Thorne. And vat is your name? Vhatever it is I'm sure it is just as beautiful as you."

I blush and say, "My Name is Naomi Daemons. "

"Ohh I vas right. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I blush. "Well, Welcome to Snow Valley High Rose. It looks like we have the same schedule, so let ne show you around." I smile.

She grins." I zhink I am going to like it here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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