the arrival

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As I'm running in the forest I can't help notice how my life has changed. I mean, I'm only 18 and I still feel like I am living a different life. Once I arrived at mystic falls I started my hunt for my two cousins, so I started asking people where I can find the Salvatore house and a girl, whose name is Elena, she told me she can take me there since she is on her way there anyways. When we got there I noticed how huge it is, so I follow Elena inside the house and I hear her call out Damon and Stefan when they come down they right away noticed me, and they run over to me and they each gave me a hug. Elena asked me if I knew them,  I told her that they are my cousins and that my name is Alexandria. Alexis for short. Then I told her that I'm a vampire looking for my family that are still here. So, after the whole explanation, they let me live here in their extra room. The next day I find out Damon has signed me up for school , so I wake up and get ready. He tells me that I will be joining Elena and her friends. Once I get there I notice that I am an outcast and have no friends at all. I was simply the new kid, so I find myself an open table and I go over. I sit down pulling out a book to read,  I noticed someone hovering over me, when I look up I see a tall boy standing there asking if he can join me. I tell him "sure," then he tells me his name. I tell him mine and we decide to hang out after school. When the bell rings, signaling that school is over, I go over and meet up with Jeremy. He is Elena's brother, and we walk to his car and leave school. When we arrived at his house we right away go up to his room to do some homework, when we finish we go down stairs to get something to eat. After hours of hanging out, I had to go home so I packed up my things and waited downstairs for Stefan to pick me up, he insisted on doing so. Once I get home, I open up my journal and write about my day. I'm looking for something interesting to happen here in Mystic Falls. All in all I have a feeling something is going to change with our group.

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